Chapter 11: They dont know whats coming.

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Disclaimer: I do not own any Percy Jackson or Avengers characters.


Iron man and Thor ran to Perseus as he fell to the ground unconscious. Loki looked down and smiled creepily at the boys body.

"I did it. After years of Titans and gods trying, I've finally did it! I've killed Perseus Jackson!" Loki laughed insanely, as he ripped the staff out of Percy's body.

Iron man shot a blast at Loki, making him fly away from Percy. Loki picked himself up as if it were nothing. Thor threw his hammer as hard as he could. It hit Loki's head, making him crumble to the floor. Loki stayed there, he didn't move.

Agent Romanoff had Percy in his hands by now. She cradled him in her arms.

"His heart beat is decreasing. He needs medical attention, immediately." Natasha informed them.

Thor ignored Agent Romanoff and picked up Percy. He ran towards the lake and dumped Percy's body in it.

"Are you insane?" Iron man shouted.

"You can't throw his body into the lake! He'll die for sure!"

"Don't underestimate Perseus. Just watch." Thor answered.

The Avengers gathered around the water. They watched as Percy sank to the bottom.

"He's going to drown! We need to-" Hawkeye stopped mid-sentence when a whole bunch of air bubbles circled Percy.

The water started to spin around his body. It spun around him for a while, then stopped. When all the bubbles disappeared, The Avengers noticed that Percy's whole in his body was gone.

Percy's eyes shot open, he looked around confused. He touched his chest looking for the wound, but it wasn't there. Percy laughed in the water. He looked up and saw all the avengers were fine as well.

He willed the water to shoot him upwards until he broke the surface.

Thor helped him out of the water.

"You alright, kid?" Captain America asked.

"Never better, thanks!" Percy said.

"Now all that's left is to throw the dog in the pound." Agent Romanoff said.

The team all looked over at Loki, who had just started to wake. He woke up to the Avengers surrounding him.

"Oh great." Loki muttered.


"Well, well, well. Look who's back." Director Fury taunted.

Loki just stared at him through his glass cage. "Do you not think it is foolish to put me in the same cage I've escaped from?"

"Don't underestimate me. It's not the same cage. We've made some advances." Director Fury said as he turned to leave.

Loki stared at him, coldly, smiling widely. "They don't know what's coming." He laughed insanely to himself.


"Okay kid, time to answer all of our questions." Steve said.

They were back into the same room where Percy had joined their group in now.

Percy sighed. "Alright, alright."

Percy told them what those things were, why their weapons couldn't kill them, and why they turned to ash. He told them everything from Greek mythology was completely true. He told them he was the son of Poseidon. He told them just about everything and anything- except for camp. Percy knew that SHIELD would invade camp and put them under watch. He couldn't risk that.

", yeah, any questions?" Percy finished.

They all just stared at him.

"Wow. Well I guess that makes sense." Stark said.

Percy stared at them, suspiciously. "You guys are taking this remarkably well."

Bruce shrugged. "Sure, this was all kind of thrown at us. But what can we do. The truths the truth right?"

Percy was about to respond but all of a sudden something huge jumped on top of him, knocking him of his chair and on to the ground.

"What the heck?" Percy said as something wet dropped on him. He looked up, only to see a giant hellhound on top of him.

The Avengers were all the way in the farthest corner of this large room. Thank the gods it was large, or the huge hellhound wouldn't have it.

"Mrs. O' Leary!" Perseus laughed. "I missed you too, girl!"

Mrs. O' Leary barked and kicked his face in reply.

"Y-you know this thing?" Agent Romanoff asked.

"This thing, happens to be my pet. She's a hellhound. Now, down girl!" Percy ordered as Mrs. O' Leary stepped off of him.

"Now, what are you doing here-" Percy was interrupted when he noticed the shadowy figure of a boy.

The boy was as pale as they get, skinny to the bone. His hair was long and fell over his eyes in tangled black clumps. Something shined from the light on his finger. It was a ring, shaped like a skull.



Authors note: hello? Any one out there? Sorry this took so long to update. I'd give you my excuse but that's all I've been giving you. Again I'm soooooo sorry!

Thank you for reading my story and leave a comment telling me what you think(:

Percy Jackson meets the Avengers.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat