Chapter 15: A talk with Chiron.

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Disclaimer: I do not own any Percy Jackson or Avengers characters.

Author's note: You guys make me so happy! Thank you for all the comments and votes I get! You guys are the best!<3 I'm sorry I take so long to write these chapters! Please bare with me!

Enjoy the chapter(:


"You need to talk to your teacher?" Director Fury said more as a statement than a question.

"Yes. I don't want to get into something without his consent."

Director Fury sighed. "Okay, well, there is a phone in your room. You can call him from there."

Percy nodded. He allowed two guards to escort him to his room he was using while on the Helacarrier. Once he was in his room he waited until he was positive the guards weren't by the door anymore.

Not that it really matters. He's positive that there is cameras in this room. SHIELD doesn't seem to trust him fully yet.

Percy ignored the phone and walked to the bathroom. He willed the water from the sink to form a rainbow shape. Once he got the water and light alined correctly to make a rainbow, he dug his pockets for a drachma.

He threw the coin in the mist.

"Oh Iris, goddess of the Rainbow, please accept my offering. Show me Chiron from Camp Half-Blood."

The mist shriveled for a moment before the face of Chiron came to view.

He was sitting in his magical wheel chair that managed to swallow up his half horse body. He was in the Rec room, lost in thought, oblivious to Percy.

"Chiron!" Percy cried, happy to see a trust worthy face.

To be honest, Percy never trusted anyone here. They may have saved his life, but he has no doubt they would try to kill him if they thought he would do anything wrong.

Chiron blinked, startled. He turned and his face showed relief at the sight of Percy.

"Percy! Thank the gods you are alright. Where have you been?" He sighed.

Percy opened his mouth to speak, not sure what to say. More as how to say it.

Percy didn't want to, but he found himself explaining everything to Chiron. How he was attacked by the strangest people and taken to SHIELD. How Loki had attacked him and said something about a Titan. Percy went on and on, happy to be talking to Chiron and not someone else about this. Last but not least, he told Chiron his suspicion on who the Titan was.

Chiron pursed his lips together. "I wish I could say that you are correct. But I myself haven't confirmed who this mystery Titan is."

"What about the gods? Have they not said anything?"

"Nothing that would prove who the Titan is." Chiron looked like he wanted to say more, but didn't.

Percy sighed. This is one of those times that Chiron was hiding something. He hated these times.

"I wish you would tell me instead of lying." He muttered.

"Percy." Chiron said seriously. "I would not lie to you. But somethings are better off unspoken."

Percy was about to sass back, but thought better of it. Chiron was on his side. Lets keep it that way.

"How's Annabeth?" Percy asked, remembering his girlfriend.

Chiron sighed. "She's fine, she wasn't hurt. She came back riding blackjack with just a few cuts and bruises. However Blackjack's wing was seriously injured.

Percy inwardly gasped. He almost forgot his horse. His horse who was hurt. He felt immensely guilty.

"Is he okay now?"

Chiron nodded. "The Apollo cabin got to him in time."

Percy sighed. At least he was okay. Looking at the time, Percy knew he had to go.

"I've got to go Chiron. Tell Annabeth.... Tell her...." Percy was at a loss for words. Thankfully Chiron interrupted.

"I will Percy, I will. Good bye Percy."

With that, Percy waved his hand threw the mist. Making the image disappear. His chest hurt. He felt the walls closing in on him. He just wanted to go back to camp. He never wanted to be apart of this. But he just had to get sucked in. He's been through Tarturus and back, couldn't he have a brake?

Of course, he is Perseus Jackson. And Percy rarely has any brakes.


Author's note: yep. I took forever. I know. I'm sorry. But I'm on vacation and I kind of just want to, you know, relax! But I have an 18 hour car ride coming up soon, and I'll defiantly write through that. So hopefully by next week some new chapters will be up! Thank you so much for the helpful suggestions and votes!

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