Chapter 5: The plan is in action.

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Disclaimer: I do not own any Percy Jackson or The Avengers characters.


Percy and Annabeth have walked for about a half hour. With no sign of anything unusual.

"Maybe we should call Chiron and ask for more info?" Percy suggested.

Annabeth didn't seem to fond of the idea of having to ask for help on a quest.

"Let's just try looking some more, and if we don't find anything we'll call him."

Percy shrugged. There was no use in arguing with Annabeth, he thought.

The two teenagers walked for another 10 minutes before Percy noticed something, more like someone, unusual in one of the allies.

Percy stopped walking and looked into the ally. He could've sworn he saw someone who glowed. He kept his eye on the ally.

"Hey Annabeth. Did you see something?" Percy asked.

There was no response.

"Annabeth?" Percy turned around to find Annabeth wasn't with him anymore.

Percy searched frantically. He looked through the crowds shouting her name.

"How could I have been so stupid?" Percy asked himself. "What if the thing Chiron was talking about got to her?"

Percy thought of a million different things. Things that could've happened to Annabeth. Whether the man in the ally had something to do with it. He thought of different ways to contact Annabeth, but he couldn't do any of those things without freaking the crowd out.

Percy was pulled out of his thoughts when something grabbed him from under his shoulders and lifted him in the air.

Panicked, Percy kicked and swatted.

"Who are you? Let me go!" Percy hollered.

"I wouldn't wiggle so much if I were you. We're pretty high up in the air. I might just 'accidentally' drop you."

Percy turned around and found himself face to face with a metal face. Wait, not just a metal face. His whole body was made of metal! Or, was it just a suit?

Nonetheless Percy didn't struggle. He didn't want to test the guy, he defiantly didn't want to drop one hundred feet below.

Percy could just make his fingers touch his lips. He put two fingers in his mouth and whistled as loud as he could three times.

The metal man tilted his head to the side, curious of why the boy was whistling.

"What are you-" The metal man was interrupted when Percy kicked back as hard as he could, hitting the the metal man.

The metal man was so shocked he let the boy go and flew back a little bit.

Percy fell 50 feet before he landed on a black figure with wings, very uncomfortably.

"Ugh! Thanks, Blackjack." Percy's voice was an octave higher then usual, but other then that he was okay.

The metal man recovered from his moment, and immediately charged after the boy.

'Blackjack, go as fast as you can.' Percy mentally told his horse.

'You got it boss!' Blackjack said as he flew as fast as he could.

They zoomed past buildings and houses so fast the metal man could barely keep up.

"Hey kid, we just want to talk!" The metal man yelled over the wind. "I really don't want to blast you!"

Percy ignored him. He and Blackjack kept on riding as fast as they were before.

The metal man sighed. "I warned you."

The metal man lifted his arm and shot blasts at Percy and Blackjack. Blackjack blocked most of his shots, but one shot hit his wing. Sending Percy and the horse spiraling down towards a cemetery.

Blackjack managed to aim himself so he and Percy would tumble on the floor.

Percy got up immediately to check on his horse. Blackjack's wing was smoking and was twisted in a funny way.

Blackjack neighed. 'I'm alright boss! I can keep going!'

"Blackjack don't be dumb. When I finish with these guys I'll bring you bring you back to camp and you'll be fine. Thanks for everything." Percy said as he ran far away from Blackjack as possible. He didn't want Blackjack to get hurt more than he already was.

Once Percy was a decent distance from Blackjack, Percy took out Riptide out of his pocket and uncapped it. In a second the pen was a celestial bronze sword that fit perfectly into Percy's hand.

"Where did you go? Where's Annabeth?" Percy hollered into the grave yard.

Percy turned around, sword in fighting position. A few feet away from Percy, was a man in armor and a red cape. He had shoulder length blonde hair and an abnormally large hammer in his hand.

"We wish not to fight you."


Author's note: what did you think about this chapter? I think I lost the mood towards the middle, lol. Leave a comment on what you think(:

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