Chapter 20:

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Authors note: when I started this story, I told myself I would never become one of those writers who updated every once a year. But look at me now. I know it means nothing, but I sincerely apologize for the wait.

Disclaimer: I do not own any Percy Jackson or Avenger's characters, no matter how much I wish I did.


It took a day, just like Captain America said it would, until Percy would have enough energy to walk around. He was still tired, however, and would bump into things. Every once in a while he would get these waves of dizziness as well.

But that did not mean Percy didn't notice the looks.

Everywhere he went, everyone would look at him. Even his new teammates would spare him one.

It was a look filled with curiosity and suspiciousness. As if to say, 'There's no way someone that powerful could be on our side, could it?'

At least that's what Percy thought it said. Or maybe he was just imagining things. Nonetheless the looks were there and they bothered him. A lot.

So when Percy was healthy enough to join The Avengers in their meeting, it was no shock when he snapped at Agent Romanoff, who happened to be giving him on of those so called 'looks.'

Percy had gotten there early, so it was only him, Agent Romanoff, and Agent Barton in the room.

'Great, the two people who hate me the most in the same room as me. Alone. I wonder how that will go.' Percy thought.

Agent Barton was on the computer typing away somewhere far across the room, however. Leaving Percy's least favorite avenger and himself in an awkward silence.

"What? Do I have something in my teeth?" Percy asked sarcastically, after ten minutes of Agent Romanoff looking at him. "Why has everyone been staring at me?!"

Instead of looking apologetic, Agent Romanoff had the nerve to smirk at him.

"Why does it bother you?" Agent Romanoff asked with a smirk that seemed permanently etched onto her face.

"Why as a matter of fact it does. You all are looking at me like I'm hiding something or I'm about to blow up!"

"Well it shouldn't bother you if you know you haven't something to hide. Are you hiding something Percy?" Agent Barton added in, suddenly appearing out of nowhere.

"What?" Percy asked perplexed. "Why would you say something like that?"

"Why won't you answer the question, Percy?" The women asked calmly.

Percy looked at both of them, eyes bulging with frustration. "What's wrong with you two? Ever since I've got here you two have been skeptical to me. I've already proven myself! Though may I remind you that you guys came to me for help."

"We have every right to be suspicious. Don't take it personally. It's in our nature to be doubtful to newcomers. Though you've yet to answer our questions, which is only fueling our suspicions." Agent Barton answered gruffly.

Percy scoffed. "Don't take it personally? Why don't you guys get your head out of your as-"

"Woah, woah, woah. What did I miss?" Tony Stark asked, his hands raised in surrender as he interrupted Percy.

"Yeah, is everything okay?" Steve Rodgers said as he walked in as well.

'Of course everyone would walk in at this moment. Perfect.' Percy thought. Out loud however, he said; "Nothing. Just a misunderstanding. Right guys?" He added a glare at the two agents for good measure.

They both ignored him, choosing instead to focus on the others.

"Where's Thor and Bruce?" Agent Romanoff asked.

The doors opened then and Nick Furry walked in. "Thor had to head back to his planet for a little bit. Just for a day or so to check up on things. Bruce is in the lab as always. How you holdin' up kid?"

"I'm fine. Are you sure it's fine that Thor left? A lot can happen in a day." Percy replied.

"We can contact him if need be, until then we should be fine. They wouldn't attack so soon after the last." Steve answered.

"Speakin' of which, what happened out there? What was that you did?" Furry asked.

And so, Percy went into as little detail as possible about how he could summon enormous energies from his father every once in a while. But only in dire situations. He also talked about the monsters on the ship and that awful, oh so terrifying, voice he heard.

"I..I don't know who-what- that was.... But it was terrible. Whatever it was, was after nothing but destruction."

"Sounds interesting." Stark said. He was laid back on the chair with his hands on his stomach, not looking the least bit nervous at all. "You think he would go to lunch? Or maybe dinner. He seems more of an evening guy."

"Old man this is serious! This man sounds scary and not in the least bit friendly. And I hadn't even met the guy yet!"

"Okay, kid, let's not get to excited about this. For all we know he could be all talk." Steve said.

Nick Furry stood. "What he did to this ship the other day was not all talk. I don't like the sound of this guy. Keep your eyes and ears open. Who knows what this guys is capable of." And with that he walked out, signaling the end of the meeting.


Somewhere in a shadowed room, a tall, silhouetted man stood in front of a throne. On the floor Loki, looking so small compared to the other, was on his knees shaking.

"Forgive me, my Lord. I did not think that the boy could control so much power-"

"Of course you didn't! You've failed again! Give me one reason I shouldn't kill you right now." The man bellowed.

Instead of being frightened. Loki smirked. "I carry something with me, my Lord. Something that will send the cowering."

"And what might that be, peasant?"

Loki slowly looked up, a deadly smile playing across his face. "Ares. I've got the God of war itself on my side, my Lord."

Authors note: I hope you enjoyed that chapter. Not making any promises on when I'll update, because I know I won't follow through. Just know that I will. Again, I apologize for the wait.

Please favorite and review, I read every single comment you guys leave me and they do make my day(:

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2016 ⏰

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