Chapter 19: I'm tired.

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Percy knew he must blacked out for only a few seconds, cause he was still screaming and the blinding pain were still there.

He vaguely knew what was going on around him. All he knew was that, one, there was a whole lot of pain. And two, he somehow knew they were no longer going to crash.

"Why's the kid yelling?" Iron man asked.

"The same reason were not falling to our deaths, look!" Captain pointed towards the jets, where tons and tons of water were pushing up towards the jets. Keeping the helicarrier afloat.

The heroes stared in awe, as they watch the water swat the rest of the monsters away like Mosquitos.

"Stark, hurry up and fix the jets!" Hawkeye yelled, noticing that Percy was still yelling.

"On it!" He yelled back as he grabbed Captain and flew off.

Percy didn't think that he could handle the pain any longer. Surely, he would die. Surely he would.

At least that's what it felt like.
He had stopped screaming, the pain being so bad that screaming wasn't enough.

Percy was slowly falling, he thought about giving up and just passing out already. But when he listened carefully he could hear his new teammates yelling and saying things to him.

"Stark, are you done yet? The kids not going to hold out any longer!" Hawkeye yells into his walkie-talkie.

"Almost there..." His voice is strained. "There! I've got it!"

Captain America and Iron Man landed back on the helicarrier right on time, for right when they landed, Percy fell.
Bruce ran up to Percy and felt his pulse. "He's still breathing, I'm guessing he's just exhausted. Must've took a lot out of him."

All the members looked at each other.
What could this kid not do?

Percy slowly peeled his eyes open. He felt like he got run over by a train, he felt so bad.

"You awake now, kid?" It was more of a statement than a question. It took Percy a second to remember who's deep voice that was.

"C-Captain?" His voice was dry and strained. Percy turned his head and saw a blurry version of the man. He blinked a few times to get rid of the fuzziness.

"Yeah, kid. Glad to see you awake." Steve grabbed a plastic cup and helped Percy drink the water, Percy being to weak to do it by himself. "You've been asleep for 2 days now. Was wondering if you were going to wake up. Well I guess I shouldn't be talking really, I slept for 70 years-"

'Two days?' Percy thought, shocked. 'You don't have time to lay around!'

Percy tried to move, but his body protested and he grunted and winced in pain.

Steve laughed. "I wouldn't move around to much kid, you'll be bed ridden for a day or two. You really worked yourself out back there."

"Is everyone okay?"

Steve gave Percy a weird look as if to say, 'Really? That's what you're worried about?'

"Yes, yes everyone's fine. You should be worried about yourself kid."

Percy wondered why the man was even here, it looked like he was waiting for a while.

'The man barely knows me, why would he sit here all day?'

He wished he could say more, but his eyes were drifting close.

"Get some rest Percy, you'll need it."

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