Chapter 12: We need weapons.

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Disclaimer: I do not own any Percy Jackson or Avengers characters.


"Nico?" Percy asked, completely befuddled as to why the boy was here. "How did you know I was here?"

Nico looked around noticing the group of adults all in the corner, somewhat afraid of Mrs. O' Leary. Nico laughed at them.

"Annabeth found Blackjack hurt in New York City. Seemed Blackjack knew where you were. So we had Tyson translate what he had to say. No one knew that I had returned yet, but I over heard what they were saying. So I decided to come over myself before them." Nico explained. "They're worried about you, back at-"

"-back at home. I know." Percy interrupted, glaring at Nico. Nico understood, they didn't know about camp yet.

Percy sighed. He was relieved Annabeth and Blackjack were okay.

Percy turned and introduced The Avengers to Nico.

"How did the kid get in here?" Steve asked.

"You wouldn't understand." Nico stared at them, obviously not liking them one bit.

"Can I get some time alone to talk to Nico? Just a half hour, to explain things." Percy pleaded.

"I guess so. Just, just don't leave us with the .... Dog... Here." Natasha said, frightened by the hellhound.

Perseus ordered Mrs. O' Leary to shadow travel back to Camp Half-Blood. Nico and Percy then walked off to the room they had given Percy.

It was nothing big. It had a twin sized bed in the corner, a dresser and a bathroom. The room itself was better than the on he had woken up in earlier.

Percy shut the door, making sure no one followed.

Percy turned around to find Nico glaring at him.


"You know what. What are you doing here? You should be back at camp!"

Percy looked around nervous. "Okay look." He said in a hushed tone. "Keep it quiet, I'm pretty sure they have cameras in here. These people are very protective. They don't know about camp and I don't want them too, okay? I'm sure they'll be all over camp if they knew."

"You still haven't answered my question. What are you doing here?"

Percy explained how The Avengers had captured him and brought him here. He also told him about the encounter he had with Loki.

"... They had monsters with them. Loki had to had gotten them from somewhere! He was out to kill me, too. Someone sent him. That's why I've stayed. Loki is working with someone that could go after camp."

Nico sighed. "If they are coming to attack camp. Then shouldn't you be at camp helping?"

"Did you see those guys in the other room? They're strong. They could help us immensely. They just need the right weapons...." Percy looked up, hoping Nico would catch on. When Nico looked at him confused, Percy sighed.

"I need you to get me some celestial bronze weapons."

Nico looked astonished. "Why? We don't need them! They haven't earned our trust! Oh if Chiron knew what was going on-"

"He won't." Percy interrupted. "Please Nico. We can't win without them."

Nico looked at Percy's pleading eyes and gave in. "Fine, what do you need?"

Percy smiled and gave him the list of weapons he needed retrieved.


"The kid gets weirder and weirder." Agent Barton said.

"How did the small creepy kid even get in here?" Natasha asked.

"By shadow travel." Percy said casually as he walked into the room. "Only children of Hades and Hellhounds can do it. So don't concern yourself." Percy went next to Agent Barton and took one of his arrows. He examined it, taking in the size of the arrow.

"Hey kid, don't touch my stuff." Barton tried to take it back, but Percy just moved out of the way. After a moment Percy handed it back to him.

Next Percy went to Thor's hammer, picking it up easily.

"Maybe if I can..." Percy started to mumble to himself.

"Kid, what in Sam Hill are you doing?" Steve asked.

"I'm looking at your weapons. You can't defeat monsters with normal metal, so I need to get you guys some celestial bronze stuff." Percy answered. He looked up at Natasha, noticing she has no weapons. "How good are you with a sword?"

Natasha blinked. "A sword? Well, I've never practiced with one.."

"What about a dagger? We've got to find you something. Here-" Percy took out the pen in his pocket and uncapped it, making it turn into a pure celestial bronze sword. He handed it to Agent Romanoff. "Try it, take a few swings at me."

Natasha looked uncomfortable. The sword didn't look like it fit her properly. "I'm not sure this is a good idea."

"Just swing." Percy insisted.

Natasha sighed and got up near Percy. She took a deep breath and with a small yell she swung it like a bat. Percy easily dodged it. He slowly took riptide away from her.

"Okay, maybe not a sword. But we'll find something."

The door opened and Nico entered.

"Hey Percy, I'm going to leave. Is that all you needed?" Nico asked.

Percy nodded. "Thanks a bunch, Nico!"

Nico just nodded and a moment later he was gone. Lost somewhere in the shadows.

"That boy doesn't look well. Is he naturally that pale?" Stark asked.

"Well his father is the god of the underworld."

Just then Director Fury entered the room, guards surrounding him.

"Percy. We need to talk."


Author's note: Thank you guys all for the nice comments you give me! It makes me happy to read what you write! I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Leave a comment on what you think(:

Percy Jackson meets the Avengers.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें