"Seto? Is that you?"

"Yea, sorry Jerome. We have to get ready, the uh...Prince wants to see me..."

Jerome snorted and leaned over the top of the canopy, "You don't need me do you? I can just stay here, right."

Seto shook his head, "Ian is watching us, he doesn't trust either of us."

Jerome groaned, "I know... but those ropes are a*s."

"Sorry..." Seto frowned as he got dressed and combed through his messy hair with his fingers before tying his headband back on.

Jerome climbed down the bed posts and landed on his feet as he jumped that last couple blocks down.

"I promise I won't make it to tight." Seto took the rope he'd put on the table after Jerome tossed it in the trash last night, and began to tie up Jerome's paws. He made sure not to make them to tight or uncomfortable, but enough that they were secure.

"You don't seem comfortable doing this--meeting the prince I mean."

Seto stayed silent, in all honesty, he wasn't but that wasn't what was making him worry. His mind had wandered to that odd dream he had, and that unfamiliar room he was in. It bothered him greatly but he couldn't put a finger on why.

Suddenly the door was slammed open making Seto jump with a small squeak, "Seto!"

Adam yelled and rushed over to him with a mixture of glee and worry. He grabbed Seto's shoulders roughly and shook him repeatedly.

"Guess what!"

"W-wh-what?" Seto forced his voice out of himself while Adam continued to shake him.

"Mitch agreed he would talk about helping us, on the condition he meet the one who wants the help, that technically being you."

"That's great!" Seto's eyes shined with new hope, maybe this trip wasn't useless after all.

"But we have to hurry, breakfast is almost over!" Adam rushed out of the room dragging Seto with him. Seto was fiercely clutching the rope attached to Jerome and thus, dragged him with him too. He was not very pleased.

"Seems like I'm always getting dragged from place to place now," he muttered.


The three of them entered a very large room. Almost as large as the throne room. A long wooden table that could fit over 10 people stood in the middle with 14 chairs. Ian was already seated in one and the prince seated at the head of the table in an expertly carved and cushioned chair.

"Adam!" the prince joyously exclaimed. Two servants pulled out two chairs for Adam and Seto. Adam took as seat and one servant pushed his chair in. Seto was hesitant to sit and glanced at Jerome.

"Ah, you must be the one who wishes for my assistance, correct?"


The prince smiled warmly at him him, "Go ahead sit," he gestured to the chair the second servant had pulled out for him. It was the chair directly to the right of the prince, "My guards tell me you train Morvics, that's an especially difficult trade considering Morvics tend to be...violent." The prince smirked at Seto, his eyes glancing at Jerome for a short moment. Jerome's eyes glared at the prince but he said nothing.

"Huh? O-oh, r-right yes," Seto coughed and sat down in the chair.

"Now, I wouldn't want to be rude, go ahead, if you want, your morvic can join us at the table," He smiled warmly at Seto.

Seto felt slightly uneasy but nodded. The servant pulled out the chair next to Seto and Jerome sat down, glancing at everyone around him.

The prince of this kingdom was overly nice, but for some reason, Seto didn't feel as comfortable anymore, "We're all here now, I hope there's still some breakfast left!" Adam joked.

Falling to Rise [Book 1 of Fate]Where stories live. Discover now