"So, what now?" I say when Justin hands my phone back.

"I dunno."

"What do you mean? What did they say?"

"They're stuck in there, and we're stuck in here. There's pretty much nothing we can do to help them. Maybe I should call my dad for help."

I shine my phone's flashlight on the barrier. I nudge the steel barrier with my foot. It's pretty sturdy. I look at the lock. It seems that you can open the lock with a key or a combination. I set the bag with John's costume and my Gatorade on the floor.

"What are you doing?" Justin asks.

"What does it look like I'm doing? I'm helping," I say smugly.

I push up on the metal clamp, and Justin raises an eyebrow at me. I turn the dial pass zero a couple of times to make sure that there's no numbers locked in.

"Wait, you know the numbers?" Justin's asks dumbfounded.

"Are you crazy? Why the hell would I know the combination? I just know this stuff."

"Why don't you just pick the lock?"

"Do you have anything I can use to pick it with?"

Please say you don't because I don't know how to do that.


"That's what I thought."

I push up on metal clamp, and continue to do what I was doing. I turn the dial to the right evenly until I hear a click. Thats my first number. Then I turn the dial to right twice, two more numbers. I turn the dial left until I hear a click. That's my second number. Expertly, I turn the dial to the right, still holding up on the clamp. I hear the click again, and the lock opens.

"There," I say as if it's no big deal what I just did.

Justin looks at me with wide eyes and gapes at me. He looks absolutely mind blowned.

"You're going to catch flies," I say coolly as I close his mouth.

I pull the barrier up and motion him to go in. Justin starts to praise me and walks really closely to me. Not that I'm complaining or anything.

"Jason!" Justin yells.

"Justin? Thank God you're here! Help us! Follow my voice!" We hear Jason yell.

John, Ryan, and Alex start yelling too. Justin starts to run, but smashes into a mirror. I can't help but to laugh at him. Justin glares at me and gives me the finger. Pfft. Like I should be offended. He just freaking showed me his middle finger. Whoop-dee-doo. Heck, he could've showed me his pinky finger, and I still wouldn't care.

I start to walk, and Justin follows me. I keep track which way we go, and soon enough we find them huddled together.

"Justin! Brandon!" Jason yells. He runs to us, and embraces both of us.

John has his eyes shut and is practically clinging onto Ryan. I take a look at their appearance to find that they're sweating like crazy. Alex and Ryan look calm, but completely worn out.

"Thanks for helping a lot," Jason says sarcastically to me.

"I tried my best! The pictures you sent me didn't really show enough!" I defend myself, and Jason crosses his arms.

"Actually, he helped a lot," Justin mumbles.

Justin tells everyone what I did. It's amusing because I didn't do much. I just tried to help Jason and John get out of the maze by telling them which way to go, but that didn't work. Ryan and Alex came, and I just had to inform them of what happened. Then I had to cover for them while they sneaked in to help John and Jason. I watched as Jake locked the maze, and tried to leave like I didn't witness anything. Justin came, and I had to give him the lame excuse that I was looking for him. The lights were turned off for some reason, and I used my phone to show us where we're going. I unlocked the barrier, and Justin and I were able to find them. That's pretty much what I did...

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