I crawled under the covers and he came in right behind me. "What cologne do you use?" I asked, loving the scent of him. I flipped over so I was facing him.

"I don't use cologne, I'm allergic." He told me and I gaped at him.

"But you smell so good!" I said.

"That's natural I guess babygirl." He smiled, as did I and I kissed his bare chest. And going to sleep. (A/N I know, a lot of sleep. Those pills make her sleepy tho!)

<><><><> NEXT MORNING<><><><>

I woke up to the feeling of a warm, callused yet soft hand on my outer thigh, and another around my waste.

I stared at Roman for a while and decided to go shower, might as well smell good if I'm meeting his parents. I carefully tied to move his hands away, trying not to wake him up, which I failed.

He groaned with his eyes still closed and held tighter around my waist, and he started rubbing circles on my thigh with his thumb. "What's going on?" Roman asked me, opening his eyes.

"Well, I tried to go shower but you held me in my place." I said, he chuckled. I couldn't help but giggle at his cute little laugh.

"I'm glad I did, I don't want you to be in the shower if I'm not awake, what if something was to happen?" He asked, looking his beautiful silver eyes into my dark blue ones.

"Thankyou for worrying, babe... But my hair is greasy and my armpits and legs need to be shaved, so I gotta go shower." I told him, carefully and sweetly, hoping to be funny. Roman smiled and I did too.

"Go shower... I'm right out here if you need me!"  He told me as I walked away, with pretty much all of my legs hanging out.

"Okay."  I yelled, from in the bathroom.

I turned on the water and got undressed, waiting for it to get hot. I took out the braid my hair was in and brushed it out.

I realized that I didn't have my bag with my toiletries in it so I pulled the sweater over my naked body.

I walked out, seeing Roman just sitting on the bed, probably trying to wake up.
He was still shirtless, only in pajama pants. I grabbed my bag.

"Hey, babe?" I started, he looked at me. "What are you wearing to your parents house today, I don't wanna look too fancy, but I don't wanna look not fancy enough." I told him, he smiled and chuckled a little bit.

"Let me grab it out." He said, grabbing a black suit and laying it on the bed, my eyes popped.

"Seriously?" I asked, quietly.

"No." He said laughing and I started laughing too, he went into his bag and grabbed a dark black t-shirt and some dark blue jeans. I smiled at it.

"Do you have a... Coloured, shirt I could borrow?" I asked, still wanting to be in his clothes because his smell comforts me so much.

"Yeh..." He said, digging into his bag and grabbing out a purple plain long sleeve shirt, with two white lines on each sleeve. Which will definitely be like a dress on me.

I grabbed the shirt as well as my black ripped jeans and a skull necklace. Also grabbing my makeup and shower bag.

I took off Roman sweater and did my normal shower routine. I got out and just wrapped the towel around my self, using the hotel room blowdryer because I forgot mine, but it didn't work.

I opened the door, just enough for me to call out. "Roman?" I asked, he yelled back.

"Yeah?" He asked.

"I need you to go into my purple bag and grab my black blowdryer... And my black curling iron please." I told him.

I was just gonna go natural but now I'm thinking I'm gonna curl my hair.

He soon came to the door and kissed my lips, since my face was out the door, I kissed him back and smiled as he handed me the stuff.

"Thanks." I said, closing the door and starting to blow dry my hair.

After about ten minutes of blow drying my hair was completely dry and ready to be curled. Before I curled it I decided to do a waterfall braid on the back of my hair, then curling it, putting a very light coat of hairspray on it.

I decided just to do a very natural face today, just some concealer under my eyes, because I don't need foundation anyways, my pores are small and I have no zits, all there is, is a few freckles on the bridge of my nose and up to the small amount of forehead between your eyebrows, perfectly scattering away after. As well as the tops of my cheeks.

I did a natural eyeshadow and a light pink lipstick.

I put on my pants and before putting on my shirt, because I had to stop for a minute and smell it. I put on my padded sports bra and pulled the light material shirt overtop.

I couldn't get my necklace on so I walked out, Roman was already dressed and ready. He whistled at me as I walked out and I giggled, walking over to him and putting the necklace in his hand.

"I can't get it on." I sulked, he smiled and motioned for me to turn around. I pulled my hair from my neck and he put on the necklace.

"Can I put your hair in a braid?" I asked, seriously.

He shook his head no.

"Pleeeaaasssseeee??!" I asked, honestly thinking it would look good. He kept saying no. "Come on! It's gonna be hot outside, won't it be nice to have less hair all over you keeping you hot?!"

He finally gave in and I put his hair in a manly looking French braid on the top of his head.

He looked good!

"Done!... Let's go meet your parents..." I said, nervously, slipping my nirvana high tops on. Letting it sink in that I was meeting the man I loves, parents.

"Let's go meet my parents." He repeated.

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