Chapter 4

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Next chapter is here! :)


Louis woke up and yawned. He opened his eyes and rubbed his eyes. He was alone? Where was Harry?

"Babe?" Louis shouted. No answer. Where the hell was Harry?

"Harry?" Louis shouted again. He stood up and then he heard some pucking from bathroom.

"Harry?" Louis asked and walked to the bathroom door. He saw Harry pucking at toilet.

"Louis, go back to sleep", Harry said and  flushed the toilet. He stood up carefully and Louis said: "Why you didn't wake me up?"

"It's just a morning sickness. It's normal for pregnant people Louis", Harry said and sighed. He rubbed his stomach and right after that he yelped to pain. Louis walked in front of Harry.

"It hurts!" Harry cried out and Louis hugged him. He rubbed Harry's back gently and calmly.

"No Louis it really hurts!" Harry said and his knelt down.

"Do you need hospital?" Louis asked and stroked Harry's curls over his sweating forehead.

"Louis... I think my water just broke", Harry said and looked very scared.

"WHAT?!" Louis shouted and stood up.

Harry sat down and started crying. Right after that Louis felt a little guilty.

"Okay, you know it's not normal because your just seventh month but we have to go to the hospital", Louis said and Harry nodded.

Harry stood up and Louis wrapped his right arm to his boyfriend's waist. Harry whimpered all way to downstairs, where Harry sat down on the couch.

Louis took a phone and dialed Anne's number.

"Hi! It's Louis!" Louis said. 

"Louis? It's everything okay?"

"Umm, well, Harry's water just broke and-"

"WHAT?!" Anne shouted and almost dropped her phone.

"Yeah, well I take Harry to the hospital now. Are you still in New York?"

"Oh my god my little boy. Louis be good at him okay? Be gentle and tell him he's okay. He's very sensitive. Okay? I'm still In New York, but I have to come there. I take a next flight and come then. Okay?" Anne said and sniffled.

"Yeah, I always take care of your son. I love him so much-"

"Louis!" Harry yelled and whimpered at pain.

"Sorry Anne I have to go now!" Louis said and hang up.

"yes?" Louis asked when he arrived at livingroom.

"Oh my... It hurts too much", Harry said and held his stomach.

"I know it hurts, and we have to go-"

"No! It's hurts too much" Harry whispered and Louis realised what Harry meant.

"No Harry I think it's just that you're only seventh month-" Louis started but Harry cutted him.

"Can we just go to the hospital now?" 

Louis nodded and took Harry's hand.

- - - - - 

"So Mr. Styles. I've got some news", a nurse said and looked little sad. Louis was afraid and Harry just sighed. Like he knew what those news were.

"I'm afraid that one of your twins has passed away.  We don't know why, but you have to give a birth today", the nurse said and Harry sighed again. Louis didn't belive it. He just didn't.

"What?!" Louis yelled and the nurse looked Louis sadly.

"I'm sorry Mr. Tomlinson. We don't know why did that happen and we-" 

"You don't know! How dare you come here and say that one of our babies is dead and say that you don't know how did it happen?!" Louis yelled and Harry wrapped his hand to Louis wrist.

"Stop", Harry whispered sadly and blinked tears away of his eyes.

"We're sorry Mr. Tomlinson. But we don't know more", the nurse said and left on the room.

"How dare they just say that!" Louis said and sat down at chair. 

"I told you but you didn't listen to me", Harry whispered as he stroked Louis' wrist gently.

"Why you are so calm? Harry, we have just lost our baby!" Louis yelled.

"Like I don't know that!" Harry suddenly said and let go of Louis' hand. Louis sighed and looked his boyfriend. Harry looked sad and Louis felt guilty right then.

"I'm sorry. You need my support now. I'm sorry", Louis said and kissed Harry's soft lips gently.

"I love you so much", Louis said and stroked Harry's curls. One tear slipped down to Harry's cheek as he smiled and whispered: "I know. I love you too."


DADDAADDADADAAA! What happens next!?!???!?!?!?!?! oooooh I don't say that! Keep voting and reading! I love you all as much as Louis loves Harry and Harry loves Louis! ;) ♥ xoxo J

Hate to hate (Larry Stylinson AU & Mpreg) [FINISHED 8/8/2013]Where stories live. Discover now