Chapter 9

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It was as if the pain in Almeta's stomach was telling her that she should have changed her mind as the ship hovered over Mustafar. The volcanic planet's heat made her cringe, leaving her to look at Anakin.

"They'll be here soon." Obi-Wan announced. "We must get going."
As they landed, Anakin stepped in front of Almeta and walked off, and she followed. The heat increased, and she swallowed.
"Let's get inside."

Anakin grabbed her hand quickly as they hurried inside.
"I'll watch the panels, get ready." He told her.
"Anakin, I don't think we should leave Obi-Wan." She said.

"We'll join him as soon as everything here is finished. Master Obi-Wan is alright for the time being. I'll sense if something's wrong."
Almeta took a deep breath through her nostrils as she helped Anakin in turning off all of the power panels that accessed channeling other droids.
"It's starting."

Almeta jumped slightly as the sound of Anakin's lightsaber powering up. Quickly grabbing his, she did the same.
"Be careful." Anakin begged.
"I'll be fine."


The hot air fanned her face as Anakin and Almeta ran outside, beginning to destroy the marching troopers and droids as they marched towards them.

She watched as multiple fell into the pit of lava just below the surface we were on. She looked away quickly as her stomach churned.

Almeta could see Obi-Wan running down the platform, taking out the droids in his path. Finally reaching them, he went back to back with Anakin.

"The clones are coming!" He shouted. Anakin looked in the distance, and looked at herz
"Almeta, go inside."

Her eyes widened. "No, I won't leave you two!"
"Perhaps Anakin is right, we don't have time!" Obi-Wan yelled.
Anakin grabbed her arms, pulling her to him.
"Please." He begged.

She shook her head. "No."

He closed his eyes as he sighed. "Almeta, I'm trying to protect our baby."
"She will be fine, Anakin. I'm helping as much as I can on this mission."

He finally nodded as he went back to helping Obi-Wan. As the surface was cleared of droids, Obi-Wan let out a breath.
"Call in and tell them to set off the explosives, Anakin." He demanded.
"Yes, Master."

Anakin rubbed her arm gently before running down the platform, disappearing from her vision.
"Lets get to cover." Obi-Wan said.

Almeta followed him towards the ship, ducking behind it. As the sound of marching clones began, her eyes squeezed shut as it all came to an end with multiple explosions.


"What do you want me to do, Milady?" Typho asked Padmé, as she sat down in the cushioned seat.
"Anything, Typho. I just want my children home safe." She answered.

He placed a hand on her shoulder. "We'll find them, Milady."

She watched as he walked away, and closed the doors. The soft noise echoed through the room, causing her to sigh.

Sh stood up, and walked towards the closet of her room here in the Palace on Naboo. She dressed out of her gown and into casual clothes, unpinning her hair.

A sharp knock came to the door, and she turned around. "Come in."
She watched as 3PO walked in. "Milady, Master Anakin and Master Obi-Wan have just left Mustafar."

"That's good to hear. I suppose they're safe."
"Indeed, Milady."


"I don't like when you underestimate me."
Anakin stood in front of Almeta as she stood at the end of their bed.

"I was trying to protect you, Al." He said, grabbing her hands and pulling her closer to him. "You already know what I told you, if something were to happen to you."

She wrapped her arms tightly around his torso, pressing her cheek to his chest. "I'm safe, and she is safe. That's all that matters."

As she pulled away, Anakin placed his hand to her stomach.
"I think we should name her." He suggested.

Her eyes met his. "Any ideas?"
He hummed. "One."
"I want to hear it."

She smiled. "I like that, where did you get that from?"
Anakin shrugged. "It popped inside of my head a few days ago. . . It means strong."

"Aubrianna Skywalker it is." She said, looking at her stomach. Anakin kissed her forehead.

"We're going to have a family, Al. We're going to find Luke and Leia, and we'll have Aubrianna."

"I like the sound of that." She whispered.
"You know what else sounds good?" He asked.

"Sleep." He answered, hearing her chuckle.
"Let's go to sleep then. We have a busy week ahead of us."

As he crawled into bed, he stared at the ceiling for a while as he thought about the plan to get the twins back, and he soon fell asleep.

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