Chapter 15: Defeated

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Quick update for you guys :) and HOLY CRAP!! I hit 1K reads! Thanks you guys so much!!

Anakin stood and blocked the door as the medical droid rummaged through it's things. He looked over at Almeta as she laid on the metal seat, wearing a white medical gown.

Soft colored bruises covered most of the skin on her legs, and a deep stitched cut on her arm. She had stitches on the skin of her lower stomach, too.

And also, she had a prosthetic arm; just like his.

Anakin's eyes surfaced her beautiful face, taking in her features. She was distressed in her sleep, and a wave of worry washed over her.
She blinked open her eyes, and looked at Anakin.

Anakin exhaled as he moved to stand next to her. "How do you feel?" 
"I feel pain."

The medical droid came back to Almeta, humming sweetly. "Hand attached."

Almeta shot up confusedly and looked down at her arm.
"You lost your arm in the explosion." He explained to her.
She ran her real fingers over the medal of the prosthetic hand. "Oh."

Anakin looked down at his own, pulling back the glove and exposing the thin metal. Her eyes caught the shiny interior, staring at it.

"We match now." He smiled. She chuckled at that, and a rush of heat twisted through him at the beautiful sound.

She groaned in pain as she placed a hand to her stomach.
"You also have stitches." He added.
She looked up at her. "Who found me?"
"Me." He answered. "I heard you."

She blinked several times. "H-Heard me?"
Anakin closed his eyes, inhaling. "I could hear your thoughts with the force; in my soul."

When he opened his eyes, she was looking at him directly, tears falling down her face.

Anakin leaned forward and wiped them away with his thumb. "Don't cry, Almeta."

"I didn't think it would work." She cried, fisting his tunic.

Anakin grabbed her face, his thumbs stroking her cheeks. "It did, and I found you." 

She closed her eyes at his touch. "Master Windu won't be happy with me, I failed."
"I'll deal with Windu. All that matters is that you get the rest that you need. You saved the Jedi yesterday."

She rose a brow. "I did?"
He nodded. "You did amazing."

The medical droid beeped before exiting the room, shutting the door behind itself. Anakin seen Obi-Wan peeking through the blinds, waving at Almeta.

"I should go see what he wants," He told her as Obi-Wan disappeared.
He let go of the door knob. "Yes?"
"Thank you." She whispered, her brown eyes not leaving his. "I don't know how to say that and show that I mean it."

Anakin walked back to her, pressing his lips to her forehead. "I know you mean it."

She squeezed his sides before pulling his face to hers, her lips finally meeting his first. Anakin smiled against her skin before they pulled away.

As he stepped into the hall, Obi-Wan turned to him.
"Master Windu is demanding me to get you to the Jedi Temple immediately."

Anakin sighed, rubbing his temples. "I'm in trouble, aren't I?"

"I sure hope not, Anakin. Almeta doesn't need this stress."

Anakin's nostrils flared as he stormed down the hallway, exiting the building, and into the speeder. 


Mace Windu stood at his seat as Anakin walked inside of the Council room. Master Yoda sat on his float, sending Anakin a fair smile.

"Padawan alright, is she?" Yoda asked.
Anakin nodded. "She's awake. Thank you, Master Yoda."

He stood in front of Master Windu as his brown eyes met his.

"Young Skywalker," he began. "I suspect a plead for forgiveness."

"I don't have anything to be sorry about, Master. I've trained Almeta into the great Padawan she is, and she did what every other Jedi did out there. You were the one who demanded her to go on the ship."

"Enough!" He shouted, slamming his fist onto the wooden side table.

Anakin fumed in anger as he forced himself to bow before him. "Forgive me, Master." He spat.
"This is not about Young Oka. This is about your past."

Anakin clenched his jaw. "What does this have to do with anything?"
"If you want a better shot on the Jedi Council, you must show me I can trust you, Young Jedi." He snapped.

"I've tried, Master! You just won't see it!" Anakin shouted.
"Lower your voice, you should." Yoda spoke.
"Forgive me, Master Yoda." He begged. He nodded before settling on his float.

"If this is how I'm going to be treated because of my past that I have begged for forgiveness over multiple times, then I guess I'm defeated, and I'm done trying."

And with that, Anakin turned on his heels, and exited the Council room.

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