Chapter 28: Emotions

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I can't remember if I used the photo above or not and I'm too lazy to check lmao

Anakin sat in the extra seat of the Jedi circle, wondering what it actually felt like to sit here on a daily basis; to get to have a say in the Jedi world and plans.


He looked up to see Master Windu.
"Forgive me," he said, quickly standing from the seat.

He shook his head. "No apology needed, Young Skywalker. Take a seat."

He sat across from him, and looked at Anakin.
"What can I do, Master?"
"I think you need to be more specific." He told him.

Anakin looked down at hia folded hands. "I want to become a part of the Jedi Council. I want to know what I need to do to earn your trust."
He sighed. "Anakin, this is not about trust anymore. You have trained Almeta for half of a year now, and I want you to stick to that. So she can become a Young Jedi, like you."

"Master, Almeta is already almost finished with her Jedi training. She's already a young Jedi to me."

"To you, Skywalker. She still has much to learn. As do you."
Anakin clenched his jaw. "I still think this has to do with my past experience, Master Windu."
"Assumptions won't get you on the council, Skywalker."

"I have proved to you that I want this, Master! It's been my dream since I can remember!"

"That doesn't mean anything, Anakin!"

Anakin closed his mouth as his heart raced inside of his chest. He clenched his hands into fists, standing up.

"If that's all, I'll be leaving." Anakin snapped.
He walked past Mace, and stormed down the hallway.


Anakin looked to see Obi-Wan running towards him, and he stopped walking.

"Master, I didn't see you." He muttered.
"Couldn't help but see you storm out of the council room. Is everything alright?" 

He lowered a brow as he stroked his beard. "Now now, Anakin. Let's not forget I have known you since you were a child, and I know when you're lying."

"It's the same thing as always, Obi-Wan. I want to be apart of the Jedi Council, and Master Windu won't allow it."

Obi-Wan sighed. "Perhaps I can talk to him."
Anakin shook his head, "no, that won't be necessary."
"Allow me, Anakin. And you have a point, you deserve this. You've come so far. You even have your own Padawan."

Anakin shrugged. "It's a pleasure to work with Almeta."

He placed his hand on his shoulder. "I will get you on the council, Anakin. Just have patience."

Anakin exhaled deeply. "Thank you, Master. . . I've been selfish lately, and I know now. I'll be patient."

He smiled. "I'll see you soon."


Anakin walked into his apartment, instantly surrounded in darkness as he closed the door shut.

Knowing Almeta would soon arrive, he changed out of his day clothing, pulling on black pants and a robe.

The door slid open, and Almeta stepped inside.

Anakin sighed heavily before walking towards her, grabbing her shoulders as she placed her hands on his chest. "I've missed you."

He pressed his lips to hers slowly, hearing her let out a breath. "You're trembling." She whispered.

Anakin's knees grew weak as he sat back on the bed quickly, accidentally pulling Almeta with him. His head span as she sat on his lap, stroking his face.

"Anakin, what's bothering you?"

"I - I just don't like the way Master Windu treats me." He breathed. "He won't let me on the council because he doesn't trust me. All of them do! But him!"

Almeta frowned as her fingers curled through his hair.

"Obi-Wan told me he'd speak to him." Anakin added.
"Well that's good, right? I mean, he has had more experience with the way Windu acts and thinks."

"I guess."

She sighed as she rested her head against his chest. "Stop shaking, please."

Anakin wrapped her arms around her tightly, pressing his lips to her hair.
"He also wants me to continue training you, which I will do."

He closed his eyes. "I'm so proud of you. You're about to become a Jedi."

"All because of your training." She said.
Anakin grinned. "You're going to overpower me one day."

She shook her head. "That isn't true."
He laughed. "You're almost stronger than me."

"But that doesn't mean I'll be stronger than you."
"Consider us equal, then."

Feels are strong af :(:

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