Chapter 4: Saving Obi-Wan

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Anakin landed the Star Fighter onto the stone platform, jumping out. Almeta followed, at his side immediately.

"Stay with the ship, Artoo."
They began to walk towards the creatures who stood there, staring.

"Where is he?" Anakin asked through his gritted teeth.

The one walked towards us, his large eyes moving around. "Him and General Grievous are holding us hostage, Skywalker."

Anakin could feel Almeta's nerves settling in his soul. It made him want to promise her she was going to be safe.

"Lets go."
As she followed, he stopped as the next station was filled with Clones and Droids.
"Wha -"

Anakin interrupted Almeta by pulling her out from the open, and against the wall. His hand was over her mouth, and she blinked a few times at his actions.

He pressed his finger to his lips, signaling for her to stay silent. She nodded as he let go.

Anakin lifted his lightsaber, and droids were the first to notice as he ran into the open, destroying multiple droids as his saber made contact with them.

Almeta joined in, and to his surprise, she was great.

Multiple clones began to run, most of them trying to block them. Anakin ran across the open station, taking them out quickly.

"He's here, I can feel him." He breathed, his head aching. Almeta stared at him for a second.
"Master, are you alright?"
"I'm fine, we need to get to Master Obi-Wan."
Circling the station, he looked above them to see a ledge.

"That must be where he has Obi-Wan."
Jumping up, Anakin landed with a quick pant, looking down at Almeta.

She seemed nervous as she arched herself into a crouched position. As she jumped, she landed swiftly next to him, hardly stumbling.
"You learn quick, Padawan."

The two ran down the platform, and down a dark hallway. Anakin began to hear the sound of droids, and muffled voices.

"Don't go for Count Dooku or Grievous. Leave that to Obi-Wan and I. We need to get rid of the droids first." He told Almeta.
"Yes, Master."

As they walked towards the opening of the room, Count Dooku's eyes met Anakin's.
"Young Skywalker to save the day." He said, two droids at his side.

Anakin smiled. "Come on, Dooku. Lets not make this harder than it needs to be."

Almeta stood next to him nervously, which worried Anakin. What if she wasn't ready for this?
Dooku's eyes flickered to her, and she stiffened.

"I sense a lot of worry in you, Young one."
Anakin stepped forward, Almeta behind him.

"You and Me, Dooku."

Dooku rose a brow as he lifted his lightsaber.
"Think you can save Obi-Wan like you tried to save Padmé?"

Anakin gritted his teeth as he mentioned her name to him. His heart raced as he clenched his hands into fists, the prosthetic hand holding the lightsaber tight.
"My powers have doubled since the last time I saw you."

And with that, Anakin swung his saber and watched as droids fell to the floor. Almeta did the same, the veins in her neck popping.

Anakin made his way to Obi-Wan, using the force to destroy the electric cuffs around his wrists. He stood up straight, grinning at his former apprentic  as he pulled his out.

"Well done, Anakin."

Anakin grinned as they sprinted towards the scene. "Tenth time, don't forget that!"
"It was the ninth!"

They swarmed through the droids quickly, ending it. Almeta, Dooku and General Grievous.

"You should be easy to take out, Female Jedi." General Grievous said, letting his cloak fall to the floor.

"She's good enough to help us take you both down, I think." Anakin snapped.

"You won't win." Dooku said, lifting his saber.
They quickly retrieved theirs, and went for them. Anakin's saber made contact with Dooku's as Obi-Wan and Almeta went for Grievous, making him grow nervous.

"Don't let your feelings show, Anakin!" Dooku said, venom spewing in his words.

He's the reason that Padmé is dead. Anakin had to tell himself that so he was strong enough to take him down.

As they fought, he held the holster of his saber with both hands as his inched closer to Anakin's face. He could feel sweat beading down the base of his neck, his heart thumping in his ears.

Anakin kicked at the back of his knee, watching him fall. As he picked up his lightsaber, it dropped as he shot his hands out, electrical bolts running through his body.

Anakin released a groan as he threw him across the room, his back hitting the wall. He fell to the ground with a sharp pain in shooting through his back.

His cheek pressed to the cold surface beneath him. His long hair stuck to his sweaty forehead as he regained his breath.

Anakin opened his squinting eyes as a sharp scream filled his ears.

He looked up to see Dooku electrocuting Almeta. She laid on the ground with her back arched, trying to stop him.

It was then when Count busted the glass window, and jumped into a ship that had been waiting for him.

Anakin hurried to Almeta to see her breathing heavy.
"Almeta, can you hear me?" He asked, placing his hands on her trembling arms.

Her eyes opened as she let out a soft gasp for air. "Forgive me, Master. Jedi training is tough."

He chuckled, grinning faintly. "Electrocuted, and you're still full of sarcasm."
He grabbed her hands, lifting her onto her feet as Obi-Wan jogged toward the two.
"They escaped. What else is new."

Anakin placed his hand on Almeta's back, guiding her as they walked. Obi-Wan glanced at her. "Are you alright?"

"I am, Master. Thank you."


As they reached the Star Fighter on the platform, Obi-Wan looked at the two.

"Thank you, Anakin. I'd probably be dead at the moment if you two weren't here."
"Thank Almeta, Master. I wouldn't have been in the same situation if I didn't bring her with me."

He picked up Almeta's hand, kissing the top of it. "Thank you, Almeta."
"You're welcome, Master."

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