Chapter 6: Nightmare

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Anakin woke up to his heart beating loudly in his ears. His head was spinning as he forced himself to wake up from the horrible nightmare of Padmé's death, once again.

His chest rose and fell quickly as he struggled to breathe.

He ran his hand over his face, wiping the sweat away from the skin. He blinked a few times before realizing it was morning, and that he needed to wake up to go to the Jedi Temple.

He kicked the covers off, letting the chilled air fan against his exposed skin. Anakin took a deep breath before pulling his gear on, along with his cloak and boots.


As he walked into the Temple, he soon seen Almeta staring out the window, her eyes watching the speeders fly by.

Before he could say anything, she suddenly turned around; her eyes showing alert.

"Ana-Master.. Are you alright?"
Anakin forced himself to smile as he turned his back to her, taking off his cloak. "I'm alright."
"I can feel a strong emotion radiating from you, Master. I've learned to use the force now."
Anakin grinned, trying to change the subject. "That's great, Almeta. You're becoming better every second."

She smiled and looked down at her feet shyly.
"All because of you, Master."

Anakin suddenly realized how Almeta was dressed today. She had on her usual tight black pants, a black tunic, and a mid length cloak.

"Master, may I ask you something?"
"Of course." Anakin answered, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest.

"On our mission to save Obi-Wan, I remember Count Dooku telling you to not let your feelings in the way, which is also what Master Windu said yesterday. . . W-What did they mean?"

Anakin bit his lip slightly as his fingers trailed over the hilt of his lightsaber. "I once was becoming a Sith." 

She looked at him as if it didn't bother her that she was standing in a room with a man who killed children, and almost his best friend.
"I was trying to protect my wife." He mentioned.
"Y-You're married?" She asked, her shoulders drooping.
"I was," He muttered. He walked around the small room. "she was killed almost five years ago."

Anakin felt a wave of sympathy wash over him from Almeta.

"I'm so sorry Master, I-I shouldn't have asked."
He shook my head. "No-No, don't apologize. I probably would have told you soon."
"You would have?" She asked.

Anakin nodded, smirking. "I trust you, Almeta. Not just because you're my Padawan, but because I can feel deep within me that I can trust you."
She smiled. "Thank you, Master."
"Now, let's get to training."


That night, Anakin stood in the shower, which was much needed. His tense muscles relaxed as the hot water hit his back and shoulders, pushing his hair out of his face.

He quickly dressed and pulled a robe on, sitting on the balcony. He stared out at the Coruscant resident traffic, his prosthetic hand resting on the railing in front of him.

He couldn't help but look up into the sky, sighing.

"I wish I knew what you were thinking, Padmé." He began. "What are you doing to me? I'm beginning to feel again. It scares me, Padmé." 

I knew it did. I could feel something inside of me.
And I didn't know what I was going to do.

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