Chapter 31: A New Beginning

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Get ready y'all...
This is the last chapter.
I'M MAKING A PART 2! If you want to read Part 2, Do NOT remove this story from your library. It is still under The Female Jedi!
I love you all and I hope you enjoyed Part 1 and enjoy Part 2! :) - AdmiringReigns

"Master Anakin, Artoo seems to have disappeared!" C-3PO said, becoming frantic.
Anakin chuckled as he looked out at the Tatooine sky. "He's with Almeta, preparing her."

"Oh dear, forgive me! I do not mean to be such a mess."
"It's alright, Threepio."

"I send my love to you both after this wedding."
He smiled. "Thank you. I assume you'll head back to Coruscant afterwards?"
"Yes, Sir."

A familiar beeping occurred, and Anakin turned around to see Artoo.
"It seems that Almeta is ready."

Anakin pressed his lips together as Artoo stood next to Threepio.

He watched as Almeta stepped out onto the balcony, dressed in a white dress. Her beautiful brown hair was pushed back, letting her curls fall down her back.

Anakin could sense she was nervous, which made him smile. She is beautiful.
As she stood in front of him, he took her hands in his.

"You are so beautiful." He whispered.
She smiled at Anakin.
"Let's do this." 


Obi-Wan stood in the corridor with Padmé standing in front of him. She held two bags in her hands, with her long hair pulled up in a head piece.

"Are you sure you must go, Senator?" Obi-Wan asked.
She smiled. "Master Kenobi, it was so great to finally see you after all of these years, but Duty calls. Luke and Leia begged to stay here, So I have Jar-Jar babysitting them until Anakin arrives back from Tatooine. They can stay with him until I can make my return."

"Of course, M'Lady. Have a safe flight."
She smiled before pulling him into an embrace. "I send best wishes to the Jedi."


Anakin and Almeta stood on the balcony after their wedding, watching as the Tatooine sun set. The sky was lit a light pink and purple, fading into ombre.

"I couldn't have asked for a better day." She whispered, feeling Anakin's fingers trail on the skin of her back.

"You are so. . . Beautiful." He breathed, pressing his lips to her cheek.
She smiled before turning to face him. "You have my heart, Anakin."

"You have mine." He said, kissing her slowly.
The two were interrupted by R2 beeping in the nearby room. Anakin pulled away, cocking a brow before walking into the small home.

"What is it, Artoo?" He asked.
Threepio appeared. "R2 seems to have gotten a hologram link for you, Master Anakin."

Almeta leaned against the wall as Anakin pressed a button of Artoo's, and a hologram appeared of Obi-Wan.

"Anakin, Senator Amidala has left Coruscant. Luke and Leia are here, being watched by Jar Jar Binks. You must hurry back soon. They are left in your hands."

Although Obi-Wan knew the children were Anakin's, he couldn't say that if others were around.

Anakin looked up at Almeta. "Short honeymoon, then."
She smiled. "We can keep occupied by them."
"Alright. Artoo, Threepio, call in a ship. We're heading back to Coruscant."

Anakin kissed Almeta quickly before hurrying to the bedroom, packing their things.


Almeta followed Anakin into the bedroom, packing her own things. "What do we plan to do when we arrive back to Coruscant?"

"Well, I plan to train Luke until he's old enough to become a Padawan."
"And Leia?"
He smiled. "Princess Leia, actually."

"She happens to be the Queen's daughter. It's only fair to become a Princess if wanted."
Almeta smiled. "Alright, that's adorable."

He chuckled before grabbing her face, pressing his lips to her cheek. "Are you ready to head back?"

She grabbed his hands.
"Ready as I'll ever be."

AH :( There will also be an Epilogue, and then part 2! Dun dun duuuun! :)
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