Chapter 5: The Sith Lord

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Almeta sat with her hands folded in her lap as they sat at the rather large table, Obi-Wan and Mace Windu standing in the corner of the room. She felt odd as they spoke to each other, which worried her. She hoped her or Anakin weren't in trouble.

She looked up from her lap as Anakin rushed in, looking over at Obi-Wan before looking at her. 
"Evening, Master."
He sent her a smile. "Good evening, Almeta. How are you feeling?"
"I feel better, thank you Master."

He nodded before making his way towards Mace and Obi-Wan. "Any news, Master?" He asked Obi-Wan.
"Actually, yes. The Sith Lord has made his return to the Death Star. We must make a move quickly. He has stationed clones on Hoth and Geonosis already."
"Wouldn't that be a little out of our range, Master? We just got Obi-Wan back, we should wait until we have more stations."
"Take a seat, Young Skywalker." Mace demanded. Almeta frowned to herself, praying no one saw.

She hated how they treated Anakin. He desperately tried to join the Jedi Council, but their excuse was he was too young.

But that's not it, she knew it wasn't. They don't trust him. She could feel the emotion of worry every time they spoke around him.

Anakin clenched his jaw, and Almeta stiffened as anger radiated off of his body. "Forgive me, Master." He said through gritted teeth.

He walked to the table, sitting in the chair across from Almeta. She took a drink of her beverage quietly, Anakin's eyes not leaving hers.

"Destroy the Death Star soon, we must." Yoda said as he sat on a cushion, his cane in one hand.

"The Sith Lord has planned to Destroy anything left of us Jedi. We must stay one step ahead of him, without letting our emotions in the way." Master Windu said, looking right at Anakin. He lowered his eyes and placed his hands on the table.

"No problem, Master." He snapped.
Why did they treat him like this?
"Master Windu?" Almeta blurted, suddenly regretting it.

"Yes, Almeta?" He asked, his voice suddenly much lower.
"Would it be smart if I joined? I-I know I'm still training but I can hel-"
"Precisely, young Almeta."

She pressed her lips together as he interrupted her. "Thank you, Master."

"Anakin will head to Planet Hoth after he finishes the week of training Almeta. Further updates will be noted."

As everyone stood up to leave, Anakin walked to her side, looking down at the girl.
"Are you sure you want to do this?" He asked her.

"I'm sure, Master. It's the least I can do, you saved me on Planet Utapau."
He shrugged. "I'm just glad nothing worse happened."
"Me too, Master."

He ran a hand through his long hair, letting out a sigh. "I suppose I should head out. I have to speak with Master Obi-Wan."

She nodded as she rubbed her hand up her arm.
"I'll see you tomorrow, Almeta." Anakin said.
"You too, Master."

As he left, she was alone. her mind suddenly raced; what if something were to happen? What if they turn against Anakin?
But the main question; Why does she care and worry so much about Anakin?

As much as she knew Jedi weren't supposed to become attached, but she didn't care. Something happened to her when she felt his presence.

She knew he wouldn't feel the same about her. They've only known each other for a week. Although she's heard much about Anakin back on Tatooine, being around him in person is a blessing.

She looked out the window and gazed at the lights of Coruscant. Her chest ached to know that The Sith Lord would soon try to destroy this, but he wasn't going to win. 

He couldn't.

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