Chapter 3: Urgent Mission

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Almeta barely slept the night of her first training with Master Skywalker. She couldn't stop thinking about how similar they were.

Also, every time she closed her eyes, all she saw were his beautiful blue eyes.

The next morning was horrendous. She quickly cleaned herself up before pulling on gear, meeting up with Master Skywalker.

As she walked up to him, he smiled.
"Good morning, Master." She said, bowing.
"Good morning, did you sleep well?"
"Honestly? I only got three hours of sleep."
"Sorry to hear. It can take some time to get used to living on a different planet."

Sure, that's it.
"You're right."

Almeta felt herself staring as he positioned himself, and grabbed his lightsaber. "Get ready, try to block me."

She quickly pulled her own out from it's place on her belt, watching the heated light appear. She stepped forward as he swung, completely in shock as she stumbled back.

She felt a strong arm around her back before she could fall, her head falling back. She swallowed before looking up to see Anakin looking down at her.
As he helped her stand straight, he cleared his throat.

"Forgive me, Almeta. That was intruding of me."

She shook my head. "Do it again." 

"I almost took your head off not meaning to." He said, cocking a brow.

"I know what to do now, Master." She swallowed.

He nodded before picking up his lightsaber again. As he swung it towards her again, she stood her ground, pushing hers into his, the same screeching sound rushing through their ears.

"Well done, Padawan. Most don't learn to block until the third week."
"Thank you, Master."

Almeta wiped the sudden sweat from her forehead as she shoved her saber into it's pocket on her belt.

Almeta was interrupted by a loud crashing coming from a distance, and red lights flickered through the building.

"What's happening?" She asked, watching Anakin look around.
"I don't know, come with me."

His gloved hand wrapped around Almeta's arm before running.

"Master Windu, what's happening?" Anakin asked as Windu stood in the council's room.

"It's Count Dooku, Anakin. He's at Utapau. He has Obi-Wan."

Both of their eyes widened. "Are you sure, Master?"

"Positive. His hologram was traced. The atmosphere there is all droids."
"I'm going." Anakin said, walking past Windu.
"Aren't you forgetting someone?" Master Windu asked Anakin.

His eyes flickered to Almeta's, and she swallowed.
"Y-You want me to go, Master?" She asked, completely stunned.

Anakin had a wicked smirk across his face.
"This is your chance to show me what you've got, Padawan."

Windu gently pushed the girl to follow Anakin as he jogged towards the outside of the Jedi Temple.
"Artoo, get in."

A small droid appeared, slowly making it's way to Anakin's Star Fighter. It positioned in a small hole in the side wing, and Anakin opened the Fighter.

"Come here,"

Almeta didn't have time to say a word as he grabbed one of her hands, lifting her as if she weighed nothing. He sat into the Fighter, patting the seat next to him.

"Master, do you really think I can do this?" She asked, beginning to shake.
He looked over at her.

"You have the power to do this. Now buckle up, I don't have insurance." He teased with a smirk.

Nervously, she inhaled as sh pulled the belt over her, clicking it into place.

She looked dead ahead as he pulled into the traffic of Coruscant residents. He sped past them while placing a head set on.

"Coming in, Master Windu. We're heading to Utapau. I'll call in on the Hologram as soon as we reach Obi-Wan."

Almeta placed her clammy hands on her lap as he sped through the atmosphere.

She looked over at him as he looked at her.
"This is where the fun begins."

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