Chapter 16

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There are four chapters left of this story! Make sure to pay attention to the last chapter, there will be a VERY important Authors Note with good news!

Luke and Leia soon arrived back to Coruscant, and stayed with Almeta while Anakin stayed the week in the Medical Center. Luke went back to his Jedi Training, and would soon become a Padawan.

Leia stayed at Almeta's side every minute of every day. She would braid her hair in different ways, or she would have her help her with Aubrianna.

"When will daddy be out of the Center?" She asked her.
"I'm hoping soon, so he can see you two." She answered.
"Can we go see him?" She asked.
"I don't know, actually. We might be able to talk to him from outside." She shrugged.

She jumped up and down. "I want to see him!"
"Alright, go get dressed." She said, pushing her gently towards the guest room.


Almeta held Leia's hand as the two walked down the hallway of the Medical Center, towards Anakin's room.

A rolling droid faced Almeta. "Are you Almeta Skywalker?"
She nodded. "Yes."

"Mister Skywalker is conscious, but in order to speak with him, you must stay out here."
She held Leia's shoulders as she stood in front of the window of his room. The blinds eventually opened, and Anakin stood.

She lifted Leia and she pressed her small hands to the glass; against Anakin's. "Hi, daddy."
He smiled. "Little Leia, how was Naboo?" He asked her.
"I was bored most of the time. I wanted to come back here."
"Where's Luke?" Anakin asked.
"I dropped him off at the Jedi Temple this morning." Almeta answered.
He sighed. "I feel imprisoned in here."

She looked at Leia. "Leia, how about you go down to the Cafeteria and get some Java Juice?" She asked her.
She nodded. "Okay!"

Almeta laughed as she ran off down the hallway, and she turned back to Anakin. "How are you feeling?"
"I feel better than yesterday." He answered.
She rubbed her arms. "The droid said it should go away in a few days."
"I don't like this." He muttered.

She frowned as he ran a hand through his sweaty hair. "It won't be long."
His blue eyes met mine. "What would I do without you?"
"I've been asking myself the same question about you." She confessed.

He closed his eyes. "I can sense your sadness. I don't like it."
"I can't help it." She whispered.

He pressed his hand to the glass. "As soon as I get out of here, I'm holding you until the galaxy forces me to let go."

She laughed. "I don't think that's actually's possible, but we'll work it out."
He grinned slightly. "I love you."
She smiled. "I love you, Ani."

Leia arrived back a few minutes later. Almeta watched as she sat down on the bench, and rubbed her eyes tiredly.

"Alright, lets get you home." She said, lifting her up. "You can see daddy tomorrow."
She pressed her hand against the glass like she did before.
Anakin smiled. "I love you, Princess Leia."
"I love you, daddy."


After putting all three of the children to bed that night, Almeta stood out on the balcony like she always dif. The different colored Coruscant lights lit up the sky, hinting it was night.

"Anakin is my world, don't do this to him." She whispered to myself.

There was an unwanted war coming, and they couldn't stop it. Someone was going to get hurt, and they didn't know who, or if they would live.

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