Adam laughed joyfully. The prince took a step away from the light-hearted environment and turned back to sit in the throne, "I can imagine you aren't here just for a visit."

The mood turned from joy to serious in a matter of seconds, Adam stopped laughing and cleared his throat, "Yes, well, you're right... Recently, we were attacked at the army base--"

"Attacked? By what?" The prince leaned in a bit out of curiosity.

"Well, we're not entirely sure, some of my captains believe it was a sorcerer who transformed into a morvic, and the other's say it's a morvic with the ability of magic."

"And you want my assistance in eliminating it?"

Jerome's fur bristled under his clothes, not that it could be seen under the layers of clothing he wore. "No, actually, what we want, is your help with detaining him, we believe the man inside of him can still be reached, and we hope to save him from actions he may regret."

The prince nodded in thought, Seto was left fidgeting as he waited for an answer, Adam had said that everything would be fine, so he had nothing to worry about, right?

"No." The prince said at last, "I can't help you, my father has fallen ill and my mother has been tending to his illness as of late. Which leaves me here to stand in as king until he's recovered, as much as I would love to help, I simply can't at this moment."

"I told you he wouldn't help," Ian said into Adam's ear.

Adam held up his hand, "Leave this to me."

"I understand that this must be a trying time for you, and I send my condolences to your father, we would only need your help for a small amount of time."

The prince who sat atop the throne heaved a heavy sigh, "It's great to see you again Adam, however, I've done lots to help you in the past, and I have yet to await the fulfillment of one request that I've asked."

"I've been away from my home for a long time, and my father is a busy man, I still have yet to propose the idea of an alliance between our two kingdoms, but you know I would never break a promise." Adam stressed, pleading to Mitch respectfully.

He nodded, but his expression remained apologetic, "I won't help, I'm sorry." He waved his hands to a few guards, "I imagine you all must be tired from your journey, and it would be rude of me if I didn't let you rest up. My guards will escort you to a few spare rooms, dinner is at sunset if you'd care to join."

"Thank you," Adam said and walked towards Seto and Jerome as the guards opened the large wooden doors. The small group filed out of the throne room and followed after a pair of silent guards.

"You should've listened to me Adam, this was a waste of time, it would've been easier to just deal with the problem ourselves, instead of traveling here."

"Stop worrying Ian, I know Mitch will help us."

"So what do we do now?" Seto spoke up.

"Let me go," Jerome snorted.

"Not a chance." Ian said back, "We could always just hand you over if we need to, you might be a good bargaining chip," he sneered.

"No! We can't do that," Seto pleaded, that would be a horrible thing to do.

The guards halted, opening the door to a fully furnished room with a large canopy bed, each corner of the bed had a hand carved, wooden posts with a large canopy draped over and secured by the bedposts.

"This will be the young sir's room." One guard gestured to Seto.

"Thank you."

As Seto made his way to the room the guard stopped him, "Oh no sir, it wouldn't do to have that dog in there with you."

Falling to Rise [Book 1 of Fate]Where stories live. Discover now