B: Listen to me, describe or send me a picture of where u guys are and I'll tell u the way out

J: Kay, I'll take a picture bc that's easier

B: I knew u would do that

J: there [pic attached]

I look at paper, and try to decipher where he is. I can't believe I'm actually trying to figure out where those idiots are. I take a wild guess, and start to monitor him.

Alex POV

I open my eyes, and look at my clock. It's 7:14. Damn. I woke up so early. Well, I guess I'll go back to sleep again.

Knock. Knock.

The hell...who is that? I reluctantly get out of bed and tiptoe to the door. I open the door as quietly as I can to not wake up Grandma and Dad.

"Hey, is John here? Jason?" A guy asks.

How does he---who is---why is he---what's happening? I stare at him trying to figure who he is. He has blonde skater hair, and I honestly think he looks like an asshole. That was mean, sorry. I shouldn't judge people like that. Wait, who am I even apologizing to? I really need to stop talking to myself. I scrunch my nose and furrow my eyebrows.

"Don't do that your pretty face," he snickers.

"Who are you?" I say annoyed.

"A friend of Justin and John." I look at him suspiciously, and he sighs.

"It's me, Ryan."

I gasp and smile. I pull him in the room and lead him to my bed.

"Wow! It's nice to finally meet you! What brings you here?" I say.

"Where's Jason and Johnson?" he asks impatiently.

"Sleeping?" I say unsure. You never know where they could be.

I get up and walk to their bed. I panic when I don't see them. I run my fingers through my hair and text Jason frantically.

"Where are they?" Ryan asks.

"I don't know. Did they say anything to you?"

"John asked for Brandon's phone number, but he didn't say why."

Who's Brandon?

"Rich guy. Creep. Nice? Hot. Gel crazy. Weird. Friend," Ryan lists as if reading my mind.

They probably got themselves into trouble. I run out the room after getting my phone. I run down the hall and push the button for the elevator.

"Hey, hold the stinking elevator for me!" Ryan yells.

He gets in just as the elevator shuts. I check my phone, and see that Bubba messaged me.

J: hey

A: what's up 😩

J: hello can u plz help us cuz Brandon is a stupid human being :/

J: like I can't even with his stupidness

J: like I don't know what even is...what is that? Helllppp

A: where you at?

J: in this maze that's next to the arcade

A: be right there

Ryan and I step out of the elevator. We look for an arcade. We find it, and Ryan immediately runs to this guy.

"Where are they?" Ryan demands.

"Don't yell at me! They're in there and for your information I've been trying to help them for the last twenty minutes!" the guys yells.

"Are you Brandon?" I speak up.

"Yes," he answers.

I gaze at him for a bit and then move my attention to the maze. He's like a Ken doll. I take the paper out of Brandon's hand, and he tells me what the problem is. Well, I wasn't planning on going inside a maze, but I honestly wasn't planning on doing anything today. But here I am, gosh life can be so surprising! Am I right? Damnit, I'm talking to myself again!

"Let's go!" I say walking to the entrance. Brandon holds me back, and I look at him confused.

"I forgot to mention that there's a bigass dude guarding the entrance," he points at the guy, and I smack his hand.

"Ow! What was that for?" He rubs his hand, and Ryan snickers.

"It's rude to point."

"What are we going to do now?" Ryan suddenly says seriously. "John is claustrophobic."

"Shit, I totally forgot. Uhm, we have to distract him by...doing something, and Ryan and I will sneak in," I say.

Ryan and I walk close to the entrance, and pretend to have a conversation. The guy guarding the entrance eyes us suspiciously. Brandon walks up to him and awkwardly asks him if he's been working out.

Ryan and I run in, and I quickly text Jason.

A: we're in. Where are u guys?

J: listen for John's singing

A: I hear it, but why is he singing?

J: idk something about distracting himself from our current situation :/

J: p.s. if Brandon is with u I will slap him

I put my phone away and hand Ryan a pencil and the paper.

"Why the hell do you carry pencils around?" Ryan asks.

"For situations like this. Keep track where we go, okay?"

Brandon POV

"Are you going to the Halloween party?" I ask. I saw them go in already, but I'm not quiet sure how to end this conversation.

"Yeah. Oh! That's reminds me, the maze is supposed to be locked down!" Jake exclaims. Yeah, his name is Jake.

"How come? I would think it would be open since it's Halloween."

"There's little kids, and every year about twenty kids get lost."

"When are you going to lock down?"

"Right now." He walks to the entrance and pulls down a steel barrier.

Oh my fucking god. I look at him with wide eyes and grin.

"You okay? You look a bit...crazed," Jake says eyeing me suspiciously.

"I'm okay," I say smiling. He shrugs and locks it with a key.

"I'm going to lock the other side too. See you or something," he says. I nod and wave goodbye.

This is too good to be true. No way am I going to help them. I turn off my phone and laugh. I punch the air and run outside.

My smile quickly fades when I see who's outside. Oh shit. What am going to say? I look for a place to hide, but it's too late.


I think this is my first cliffhanger.

Ugh, I just want Justin and Jason to be together.

Waddup? [Jastin]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat