"I tried killing him. With Moxxi and Lilith and the rest of the gang. We joined forces to be an unstoppable team. But.. He also killed my brother in the process. And afterward he sold me to Nisha, like her slave. I've been hunting for her since."

Now I was indefinitely conflicted, if I let her go she'd kill Jack, possibly even Angel. Possibly even me. But without any more thought I untie her ropes. Suddenly, I'm trapped between her arm and a wall.

"You follow close behind me, you get me off of this damn planet. And I'll spare you. I'll even hire someone to kill Nisha, and you'll have everyone off of your back. Hell, I wouldn't mind being Nisha free either." Ten let's go of me and nods my way, me nodding back.

"You've seen my power, so I will let you know now, if you try to hurt Jack... Or Angel-"

"You can't stop me from telling anyone about this. But... I won't have to worry about killing them. There are plenty of people who will want to do it regardless. Especially after this fiasco."

"I hardly know my way around Hyperion... If Jack finds me he'll do something terrible."

"Look, the way... The way he parted from you... He won't kill you, hurt you maybe, but he wants you alive."

"You think so?" I blush before Ten punches me in the arm.

"Jesus! Alright!" I whimper, gripping my arm. That hurt like hell. God the girl can punch.

"Alright. Follow me." She whispers, tip toeing outside of Jacks office.

Getting a good look at Hyperion was astonishing. I had never been passed this hallway.

I follow very closely behind Ten, stepping out into the elevator that would bring us down to the lobby.

The elevator ride down is sort of long, Hyperion was huge, after all.

When the elevator doors open we're greeted by guards.

Ten pulls out her gun, the guard drawing the same. Hyperion employees just stared at us and I crawl to the back of the elevator. I try repeatedly pressing the button for the doors to close but of course, the sirens begin looming through Hyperion.

"Prisoners escaping. Prisoners escaping. Prisoners escaping." The robotic voice blared.

"Did you... Oh my god I'm sorry-" Jack is cracking up over the intercom.

"Did you think you could get away? First person to bring me Tens head on a silver platter gets a beautiful raise!" Jacks face appears on every monitor, holding a picture of Ten in his hand.

"Ho-Holli?" He asks, noticing me.

"Shit." I sigh.

"Kill Ten!" Jack shouts, Ten being dragged off.

"Ten!" I shout, reaching out for her to grab me.

"It's alright, Holli. I'll be okay! Just, don't worry about me, alright?!"

I feel a hand collapse against my mouth and an arm wrap around my waist.

"Evening, honey bunny."

The elevator doors finally shut and I'm spun around to face Jack. He hits the emergency stop and slams me into the elevator doors.

"Why were you HELPING HER!"

"Her friends are going to die!" I shout back.

"Her friends, the people that BETRAYED YOU MAY I ADD!" Jack spits.

I watch as he pinches the bridge of his nose and takes in a deep breath. When his eyes open, he smiles at me, reaching toward me and petting my face.

I sigh and rest my head into his palm, his thumb slipping into my mouth. I couldn't help myself, I actually licked his skin.

"You're perfect." Jack whispers to me, my ears perking at what he had just said.

"Huh?" I ask, Jack now cupping my face with both hands.

"I actually thought you were leaving." He says quietly and in disbelief.

Confirmation kicks in and he brings his lips to mine.

"I thought that first kiss was just for show but I think I liked it a bit more than that." Jack says, our lips still touching, the friction making my skin tingle.

"Never leave. Please." Jack whispers, putting his forehead against mine.

All I could think about was Ten.

"Jack." I reply, moving my head away.

"Dammit, you're worried about her."

"Well, yeah! Kind of!"

"She's fine. She might be tortured a little but, she's fine."


"There's no negotiation about it, Holli." Jack says with a growl, slamming his hand back onto the emergency stop to get us back up to his office.

"That place must've been like a prison for you." Rhys mumbles.

"Gross you kissed Jack. You... Liked him."

"Love him, Fiona." I giggle.

"Still?!" Vaughn barks.

"Yes, still."

"How?!" Sasha was furious.

"Love doesn't just disappear." Idiots.

"We're here..." Sasha says, pulling on the brake.

"Maybe you should stay back." Rhys says as we are all about to get out of the caravan.

"What?! Why?! Is it because I love Jack? I mean I know he's a bad person I don't wish he were here or something, I jus-"

Rhys shoves his hand into my chest and shakes his head.

"Please. It's not about that. It's about keeping you safe."

"Alright, who are you and what have you done with Rhys? You know I can take better care of myself than you can." I chuckle.

"Keep going, kiddo."

"Please. Stay. I need to keep you safe." Rhys looked genuinely worried and so, I agreed.

"Good, good. If she dies, you die. Which I know to YOU might seem like a loss but it would kind of be a win for me."

"Then why are you not killing us both?" Rhys asks.


"Oh. Nothing." Rhys rubs the back of his neck.

"Because I don't have it in me to kill her. As much as I want to."

A Handsome Tale (Handsome Jack X OC)Where stories live. Discover now