I took a step closer to the window and pointed a finger at him. "You better tone down the music or else I myself will do it after banging your head on your music system."

"How are you planning to do that, shortcake?" He raised his eyebrow and there again the smirk widened. "Are you going to jump into my room? I'll like to see you try that."

If I was a cartoon, you would be seeing hot steam blowing out of my ears. "I may as well do that and if I do that I'll first scratch off your stupid smirk from your stupid face and the tie you to your bed and....

"Ah! I knew it. I always knew you liked me. But I never thought you were of the kinky type." That arrogant conceited bastard. I'll kill him.

"I don't like you! Not a single bit! I actually hate you!" He kept own laughing watching me go red and fuming. "Arg!!!! Why the hell am I even talking to you?" I pulled my hair.

"Because you love me?" He gasped. "Hah! That actually makes sense. You love me."

"Shut up! Shut Up!! Shut up!!!" Ever saw a tuner fork when struck against something. If yes then, I was shaking exactly like that. Take a long breath. Breathe in. Breathe out. Calming myself, I fixed my eyes on him. "You! Don't change the subject! Shut the damn music down!!" I yelled.

"If you wanted to change the subject you could have just said it. Why yelling?... So..." He rubbed his hands giving me his signature devil's smile and swept his eyes over my figure from head to toe. "Let's talk about how sexy you are looking in those pajamas". I looked down and took notice of my attire. Short shorts and tank top with bed hair. Freaking great!

Next thing I did was to close my window shut. I still could hear his loud guffawing. I wished he chokes in his own saliva while laughing. All I wanted, right now, was to strangle him and that wouldn't be so difficult, as jumping into his room was quite easy, not that I have tried that.

I had planned his death many times, I still do it often in spare time, since I can't kill him in reality, as much I really wanted to do, and add more detailed tortures. Right now, I was thinking of barbecue him over hot molten lava. I could have added details into my imagination but one look at my clock and the panic set in. Shit! I was late.

I practically flew to my bathroom. Rushing through my morning deeds I got out of my bathroom wrapped in a blue towel with wet dripping hair. I threw in whatever set of clothes I could get my hands on. As if with the spare time I could have dressed up properly. I'm a waste of human when it comes to fashion.

I skipped to my tiny kitchen on one foot while trying to push my other foot through the jeans and get a bottle of orange juice and a granola bar. Grabbing all my stuff I sprinted out of the apartment in record time. Now the only thing that could delay me was the lift. As I predicted it was still out of order, so that means I have to take stairs from the fifth floor to ground floor. And there goes my hope to reach college on time.

By the time I reached the ground floor I was almost dead. Gosh! Those stairs will be my death someday. I still somehow crawled to the bus stop. Thank the land developer for building the apartments so close to bus stop. I sneaked a peek at my watch. It's almost eight and I have classes starting from 8:15. The journey takes about fifteen minutes to college's gate. But from gate to my class it takes 8 minutes of walking, guess I have to run today. Even after that, I'm sure I'll be late.

All because of Channing Tatum! Now you may ask why the hell Channing Tatum is responsible for me being late. Well, last night I was supposed to sleep at 12 so that I'll up for my early classes this morning but then I started watching Vow. How I ended up watching that movie is still a question to discuss but let's just forget about it for now. After watching it I watched Step Up just so that I can drool over Channing Tatum some more. Isn't he yummy?

The bus screeched to a stop in front of me pulling me out of my daydream about Channing Tatum and his abs. I get on the bus and sat on my favorite seat next to the window.

Since we have 15 minutes to spare, let me introduce myself to you properly. I know I know you are not interested in knowing me by now. But since you'll be in my head for a while, might as well know the place you're going to stay and get a little comfortable. It's not like I am some psycho killer planning on murdering her neighbor. He he he.

So here it goes.

Hi, my name Chasity Taylor. I am a 19-year-old girl, with dull brunette hair, dark eyes, lean structure and pale complexion. I am towards the shorter stature side with 5 feet 4-inch stature. I am basically from Houston and I am presenting living in a rented apartment in Nashville completing my graduation in Tennessee State University with Civil Engineering as my major. I have a small family which is now split into two halves as my mom and dad have recently divorced after a long-running case in court. At least, they are happy now even if I am not but who gives a shit about me.

Anyways, moving on. I have two best friends, Lily and Keith, who are a couple now making me third wheel every often but, again, as if anyone really cares about it.

So this is me. But still there is more stuff about me for you to know and you will get to know them slowly.

For now, let's just hope that Prof. Gellar doesn't throw me out of the class for being late. Again. For the hundredth time.


Hello, my dear readers.

New story. New genre. I hope it turns out well.
Tell me how did you like it. Feedback will be really appreciated.

For the cast, I thought of Lily Collins as Chasity and Nick Hoult as Ian. Here are their photos.

 Here are their photos

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I hope you'll enjoy this story.

Signing off.


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