"Hey Jake, where's Paul?" Sam questioned and was about to go inside before I turned back around and stopped him.  

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," I smirked. 

Sam rolled his eyes with a sigh and shook his head. "Paul!"  

I ran off towards the cover of forest laughing and shaking my head. Boy was I glad none of my pack was like Paul. I didn't know how Sam stood it really. I knew I wouldn't, but then, what could I do about it? Nothing really. . . 

Once I was in enough cover of the forest, I took off my jeans and tied them around my ankle before phasing. The very second I was in my wolf form I had five voices in my head - Embry, Quil, Leah, Seth and Daniel -who was one of the wolves who had phased back when Ness was born. I immediately felt dizzy with all the voices swirling around in my head, and this wasn't even half of my pack.  

Both Sam and I had fourteen wolves within our packs, but we never took them all out at once. We let some rest other days while the others worked. That way no one got tired like we used to when there were only the five of us. Over the years, a few more wolves phased as a couple of nomad vampires passed by, which quickly made twenty-six wolves on the res alone. We hadn't seen any nomad wolves around though thankfully. I knew there would be fight for land otherwise. 

'Slower thought pattern please guys!' I thought out to them while running. I felt like was about to faint if they kept it up for much longer.  

Seth burst out laughing after that as thoughts of how the almighty Alpha couldn't handle a little racket. I rolled my eyes and smirked with hearing him. Even after all these years he hadn't changed one bit. He still acted like he had when he was fifteen. He was still friends with Edward too. I didn't know how he and Edward got along really. They were mortal enemies after all. I thought maybe when both Edward and Seth first were friends, it would ware off over the years, but it hadn't been the case at all. 

I felt the wind shift twice in the matter of seconds and I knew both Sam and Paul were running together now, along with Jared, Brady and Collin. Sam and I decided that he would take the land on the South of La Push to patrol while I and my pack took the North, and of course, I would be the one who found the nomad leech running around. She was skipping between the border of Forks and La Push; looking like she was trying to tease us, but little did she know we had terminated the treaty long ago. Going on Forks land was nothing to us now. I often went on patrol alone around Forks and made sure it was safe for the Cullens and Charlie. 

My eyes narrowed upon the vampire as her eyes went wide with seeing Sam and his pack joining us. I focused on her features. She seemed, different. Her skin looked like tissue paper. She reminded me of the Volturi, though I couldn't remember this vampire from their clan. 

Within seconds of Sam's pack coming too, we all had her surrounded but still . . . somehow she was able to slip past us. She was really fast. I went after her through Forks as Sam ran at just the same pace as I. The others were behind us and spreading out to try and corner her again.  

Leah sped past me quickly with trying to catch her alone. She was the fastest in the pack, but not the best fighter, and there was no way I was going to save her sorry ass like I tried to last time she had attempted to do something like that! 

'Leah, stop!' I shouted in my Alpha tone and made her come to a skidding halt. She had been just inches away from grabbing the bloodsucker too. She rolled her eyes at me and let out a huff without a word. She continued to run just ahead of me after that. I looked to Sam from the corner of my eye with catching his thoughts of how well I was able to see what could happen if Leah had went after the vampire alone. It was all a part of being an Alpha, so it really wasn't that big of a deal to me.  

With running through trees, vines, ferns and bushes, it wasn't long until we had lost the bloodsucker, and I was really annoyed about it! I hardly ever lost a vampire these days with wanting to protect Renesmee and the Cullens' and to know this leech was out there still only made me feel like a failure. For a few more hours we kept a look out for it, but it had long gone.  

I sighed, shaking my head and headed home for dinner while Sam and the others stayed on alert for the rest of the night. We had been out longer than I had expected to be. I thought we would be out for three hours tops, but it had actually been five, going on six. I knew both Rach and dad would be in bed long ago, so both Paul and I would have to eat cold meat. Just what I loved! I had been looking forward to eating that hot roast too.  

After dinner, it was just past two in the morning and I wanted to go and see Ness again and make sure she was okay after earlier. I still didn't feel right about leaving her like I had, but thankfully I had been able to keep my day with her to myself with the help of the bloodsucker distracting my mind away from her. The last thing I wanted was the guys telling me what I should do, think, feel and see things. 

After Paul had gone home, I went back outside and phased before heading towards Forks. The whole time I was running, I stayed on guard just encase that vampire saw me and ambushed me. I knew some could be like that, and with not knowing this leech, I knew I had to keep an eye out. 

As I approached Edward and Bella's house, it was obvious they were still out hunting together. I knew Ness would be asleep in bed, but I also knew she didn't mind being woken up to see me either. Ness was like that. She referred to go without sleep than to miss me.  

I slowly walked up to Ness's window and picked up a small peddle and lightly threw it at the window. "Hey, Ness, it's me," I whispered just loud enough she would only hear me. Just because Edward and Bella were away, it didn't mean I was safe. The Cullens' house wasn't too far from Edward and Bella's house so they could have easily heard me if I were loud enough.  

I listened for any sound in the house and then heard footsteps coming towards the window. It opened quietly and made a smile come to my face as I saw her face light up with seeing me too while she leaned out the window. 

"What are you doing here Jacob?" she whispered. 

"Step back, I'm coming up." I knew if we kept whispering like this someone would surely hear us talking and catch us.  

She took a step back from the window as I climbed the tree next to the house and jumped inside within four swift movements. It felt like déjà vu from when I first phased and went to apologize to Bella.  

The very second I stood up straight, Ness held me tightly like I hadn't ever felt her hold me before. It was like she was scared and with sensing her emotions, that had just proved me right. My arms wrapped around her tightly with trying to comfort her. "Hey, it's okay. What's wrong?" I whispered and kissed her cheek softly. Tears were flowing down her cheeks now. 

"They're taking me to South America Jacob. We're leaving tomorrow," she sobbed into my chest. With hearing her, I felt like something had just pierced my heart. They were separating us?  

"What?" was the only thing which came out of my mouth. I didn't know what else to think or say. I was in shock. I couldn't be without her. Not now, not ever!

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