Chapter Twenty-Four: The Cycle Begins

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Rish and Vic had been dating for three months now. Tony and Allie have been dating for four. Prom was coming up. Great. 

I didn't tell Danny that I was going with Darren, who I had stuck to my promise and agreed to go with him. I swallowed up my pride and decided to call him. 

I sat in my room as it rang. Danny picked up on the second ring. 

"Hey, baby," He said happily. "What's up?" 

I sighed. "Danny...I have to tell you something." 

Instantly, it was quiet, as if the mood shifted. I swallowed hard. 

"What is it, Terra?" Danny sounded concerned. "Are you okay?"

I sighed again, this time more heavily. "Danny, I...prom's coming up, and Darren asked me to go with him. I said yes..."

Danny was silent. "Why didn't you ask me?" Danny stated the obvious. I began to get a feeling of tightness in my chest. Why didn't I tell Darren I was dating someone when he asked me? Danny's more important than Darren...right?

"I don't know." I fumbled with my fingernails. "I just...I mean...he asked me and I said yes. He's gay, and he said that they didn't allow same sex couples and he wanted to go, but he doesn't want to go alone-"

"You didn't even ask me about this." Danny said softly. He sounded hurt and betrayed. I gritted my teeth. 

"Danny, he's gay. I mean, nothing's going to happen. We're going as friends." 

"He's a friend, yeah, okay. I get that." Danny sounded frustrated. I didn't blame him. "But Terra, I'm your boyfriend. Don't you think I'm supposed to bring you to prom instead of him?" 

"I didn't think-" 

"Yeah, you didn't think." Danny muttered. "This hurts me more than you think." 

"Don't you think you're overreacting?" I snapped at him. I could feel tears run down my cheeks. "I mean, you're nineteen, Danny. I'm sixteen. I have to go with the appropriate age, and-" 

"I knew this would happen." Danny snarled. "Just because of my age, you think I don't have feelings." 

"I never said that!" I shouted at him. Danny sighed. 

"Whatever. I'm gonna go. I'll call you later." 

"Danny!" I screamed, but he had hung up. I swallowed hard and fell back against my pillows. Goddamn it, boys are so fucking confusing. 


"I'm sorry, Darren." I said to the tall boy. He sighed and rolled his shoulders. 

"It's okay, Terra. I understand why he's angry." Darren smiled. "I'll just ask Celia." 

"Good idea." I muttered. "I'm sorry again. Prom's tomorrow and I backed out on you." 

Darren pulled me into a hug. "It's alright." He told me. He rubbed my back soothingly. "I hope things go well with you and Danny." 

I frowned. "Me too." 

Tony honked his horn and I gave Darren a final squeeze. Tony smiled and opened the door for me. Then he began to drive. We drove for a few minutes and I saw he drove into the Hottopic. I stared at him. 

"What are you doing?" I asked softly. Tony sighed. 

"Go make things right with him." He muttered. "I heard the whole conversation last week. You need to go in there and get him back." 

I licked my lips and nodded. "You're right." 

I walked timidly to the door and opened it. 

I was instantly greeted by music that flooded around me. It was Bring Me The Horizon's album, Sempiternal. 

I saw the familiar tall figure leaning against the counter. His hands were on a girl's hips. He was kissing her. I stared at them, my chest tightening. 

"Danny?" I asked. He whirled around, his eyes locking with mine. 

"What are you doing here?" He asked nastily. I flinched back from him. 

"Danny...I...who's that..." The girl waved at me and my heart sank. Ashley? What the fuck? 

"Hey, slut." She smiled eerily. I opened my mouth, but Danny said something. 

"How does it feel, Terra? I have someone else too." He told me, gesturing to Ashley. Ashley bared her teeth at me. 

"Snip, snip." She reminded me. My tears flowed quickly. 

"I can't believe you, Danny." I muttered. I turned on my heel and walked out of that store as quickly as possible. 

"Wait!" Danny shouted. I ignored him. 

I opened the door and saw Tony's truck. It looked so far away. 

"Terra! Wait!" Danny shouted. He grabbed my arm and pulled me back into him. I turned and yanked my arm out of his grasp. 

"Fuck off, Danny." I snarled. Danny looked upset.

"Terra, I didn't mean for that..." he mumbled. "I mean...I'm just hurt that you're going to prom with-" 

"Well, be fucking happy." I snapped at him. "I told Darren I couldn't because you were the most important thing to me. It wasn't worth losing you. But I guess it's too late for that." 

Danny paled. 

"You did?" 

"Yeah. I did. Leave me alone, Danny." I snapped and walked away from him. 

I climbed into Tony's truck and slammed the door shut.

"Drive." I demanded. Tony did as he was told. 

"Terra-" He began. I didn't look at him. I just stared out the window.

"Please...not right now." I sighed. Tony nodded. 


I locked myself in my room and sighed. I went through book after book. Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain on my finger. I glanced down. I had a paper cut...ouch. 

I stared in fascination as it bled slightly. I swallowed hard and opened it a bit bigger. I could hear Vic and Rish laughing downstairs. Tony and Allie were giggling too. I sighed and watched in interest as the blood dripped down my finger. It made me feel...better.

I ran into the bathroom and grabbed my razor. I struggled to take it apart. I had five blades sitting on my floor. I picked one up and dragged it over my skin, feeling the sharp pain and gasping slightly. More blood. 

Memories of Mr. Collins went through my mind. Everything hit me at once. I cut again and again. This is why Danny does this...I thought softly. It's good...good for you...

"Terra?" came a soft voice. I opened my eyes quickly and sat on my hand, hiding my wrists. 

"Yeah?" I asked, hoping they would go away. Rish opened the door instead and smiled at me. 

"Danny's here to see you." she whispered. I swallowed hard. 

"I don't want to see him." I responded. She sighed. 

"Please? This will make it better, I promise." She told me. I hung my head. 


Soon, Danny's tattooed arms held me. 

"I'm so sorry, babe. I didn't know. This is my fault. All of it." 

I glanced up at him. His eyes were red. I cuddled into him. 

"I hate it when we fight." I told him. 

"Me too." He murmured. "How about we have our own prom?" 

"Fuck prom." I muttered. "I'd rather spend the day with you." 

Danny held out a pinky. "Promise?" 

I giggled. "Promise." 

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