Chapter Nine: Nightmares

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Chapter Eight: Nightmares

Maria grabbed my arm and twisted it. I gave out a cry as it broke. She spat at me and kicked me. Mr. Collins whipped my legs and back with his belt. 

I was powerless. Fear coursed through my veins. Was I the only one around? Why wasn't anyone coming to help me? I saw Tony in the corner. He smiled and walked away. 

"Tony!" I screamed. "Tony! Come back!" 

I woke in a cold sweat. It was dark and I felt my stomach twist. I was alone in a bunk. I sighed and climbed out of my bunk and shuffled carefully in the dark to the kitchen. I went on my tiptoes and leaned on the counter in pitch black feeling around for a cup. Instead I felt a face. 

I yelped and drew back my hand, banging it on the counter. I heard someone snicker. I listened as the door to the bunks shut and a small light flicked on. I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw Austin Carlile there. I rubbed my face and scowled. 

"Sorry." I mumbled. Austin smirked tiredly and rubbed the front of throat across his collar bone. 

"S'all right. Couldn't sleep?" he asked while taking some pills for his heart. 

"Nightmares." I replied. 

"Ahh." he said grimly. "Hate those bastards." 

I laughed. "Yeah. They suck." 

"What about?" he asked, leaning on the counter. I sighed and took out  a cup. 

"My past. And Tony was there. He just watched...laughed and walked away..." I didn't realize I was crying until Austin leaned over and pulled me into a hug. 

"You know Tony would never do anything like that." His voice sounded strained. "You know that, right?" I sniffled in response. 

"I know. I'm just scared if I let my guard down, then he'll hurt me. Everyone else has." Austin started stroking my hair and I held onto him. 

"He won't dare hurt you." Austin assured. "And if he does, we'll kick his ass." 

I smiled shakily and he patted my head. 

"See you in the morning, pretty lady." he said hugging me goodnight. He walked out of the room and I stared after him. Tony would never ever hurt me. What was I even thinking? I shivered and wrapped my arms around myself. I snapped the light off and walked into the bunk area. 

I closed the door behind me and quietly tiptoed to Tony and I's bed. I started poking his shoulder. He grunted. 

"Terra?" he asked. He sounded concerned. I smiled weakly. 

"Can I sleep with you tonight?" I asked meekly. Tony squeezed himself into the wall and patted his bunk, tiredly. 

I climbed into the bed and sighed as his arms twined around my body. 

"Good night." he mumbled, sleeping instantly. 

"Goodnight, Dad." I whispered. And I swear, I felt Tony smile. 


Sorry sorry sorry! This is a short chapter! My bad :( comment, vote, read...or not...IDEC :) have fun friends!

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