Chapter Thirteen: Come Down From Your Tower

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I stood on top of the tour bus. Somehow, Tony had climbed onto the roof and convinced me to get up too. 

"How'd you even figure out how to get up here?" I asked wobbling a bit. His eyes widened and he grabbed my arm, steadying me. 

"Ahh, I was drunk and I got up here somehow..." He launched into this animated story, telling me about the guys asking him why he was on this roof, and his response being: Why are you not on the roof? We laughed together and stood there, looking at the big stage he would be jumping around on in two days. Today, Sleeping With Sirens was playing, same with Bring Me The Horizon. Tomorrow, Pierce the Veil and Of Mice and Men were going to perform. 

"Turtle?" called Mike's voice. "Where are you? Vic's looking for you!" Tony smiled. 

"I'm up here!" He shouted. We watched the tall slender man turn a bit, his head raised looking for us. Then his eyes landed on us. 

"Get the fuck off the roof, Tony!" Mike scolded. Tony sighed. 

"I guess we have to go, then..." We carefully slid down the wind shield, making the driver, Caleb, jump a bit. We waved to him, and he waved back, smiling and shaking his head. 

"Aye yay yay!" Mike sighed in a Spanish accent. He sounded like Speedy Gonzalas. "Mis hijos son locos!" As Tony went to go find Vic, I wandered around. 

"Hey." I heard a familiar voice say. I turned and saw Danny. There was a bruise on his chin and his nose looked bruised too. I covered my mouth. 

"Omigod!" I nearly screamed. "I am so sorry!" 

Danny smirked and snorted. "Don't worry." he assured me. "It's not that bad." He gestured for me to walk around with him. I looked at my watch. I had six hours to spare. Why not? We walked in silence until we reached a tree. He sat and leaned against it and pulled out a cigarette. He lit one up and started to puff it. I watched as he visibly relaxed. 

I took this time to study him. He had dark brown hair that he kept having to brush or flip out of his hair. He had two piercings on each side of his mouth on his lower lip. His slender figure was bent a bit, his knees drawn up to his chest, his elbows resting on his kneecaps. His arms were outstretched. I saw tattoos that went up his shoulder. The T-shirt he was wearing cut them off at his bicep, but his V-neck showed more going across the right side of his chest. He closed his eyes. They were hazel. 

He looked up at me, his dark eyelashes fluttering. My heart sped up. 

"Come sit." he sighed, taking a drag from his cigarette. I did as I was told. "I'm sorry for what happened last night, except for one thing." He dropped his cigarette and crushed it with his foot. "I'm not sorry I kissed you." 

I looked down at my feet, my cheeks burning. 

"The things I said...they're unforgivable. I'm just...sorry." He took out another cigarette and lit up. I stared at his pale arms. They had some red marks on them from self harm. I frowned. He noticed me staring at them and shifted his hands down at his side, hiding them from me. 

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