Chapter Nineteen: Thanks, Turtle...

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I woke up and yawned. Jaime was sleeping and Vic was curled up in a ball next to me. I sighed and mumbled slightly. I grumbled a bit as my stomach made a noise. I walked to the fridge and opened the door to find food. I smiled as I piled my arms with apples, oranges, bananas, half a watermelon, and some cantelope. 

I grabbed a bowl and scooped the melon into a bowl, then added slices of apples, bananas and then I put in some orange slices. Then I scooped the watermelon and tossed the fruits together. Then I grabbed a cup and some greek yogurt and made myself a fruit cup. 

When I returned to the couch, I saw Jaime leaning over Vic. He poked Vic and Vic mumbled something about his back hurting. Jaime sighed and pulled Vic in front of him and began massaging his back. Vic let a small moan escape his lips as Jamie rubbed away. (A/N FUENCIADO ISN'T EXISTANT IN THIS, IT'S ONLY A FRIEND THING, MKAY BAI)

I plopped down on the couch and mixed my fruit salad. "So, how does Spiderman end?" 

"He gets the girl." Vic mumbled. "And he wins..." 

"Spiderman always wins." Jaime beamed. Vic laughed sourly. The door opened and in walked Mike and Tony. Tony was laughing and smiling and Mike slapped him upside the head. (A/N PERRENTES DOESN'T EXIST EITHER...JESUS!)

Tony smiled and scooped me into a hug. "Hola, Terra!" Tony sang happily. I smiled at him and Vic and Jaime looked up. 

"You're happy." Jaime commented. Mike giggled. 

"IS THAT FRUIT?" Tony screamed. "I WANT FRUIT!"

"Calm down, Turtle." Vic said, rolling his shoulders back and standing up. "What's going on?" 

Tony and Mike glanced at each other and giggled. 

"I was sleeping in Mike's room." Tony started. "When I smelled something funny-" 

"This is my favorite part!" hollered Mike. He jumped into Jaime's lap, who looked at Mike's bloodshot eyes. 

"You're high?" He asked. Mike smiled and rolled his head around. 

"Uhhhh...i guesssss." He drew out. Tony giggled. 

"I smelled something funny, and I look up to see this guy!" he pointed to Mike who screamed with glee. Vic rolled his eyes and went into the kitchen. He grabbed some ham in the fridge and returned. He slapped Tony with the meat and Tony blinked. 

"Did you just hit me with a pig?" 

"Go take a shower," Vic instructed, trying not to laugh at Tony's hurt expression. "We have to talk to Terra today, remember?" 

Tony looked confused. Then he got the epiffany. 

"OH YEAH!" he screamed. He raced up the stairs, giggling. I sighed and Vic shook his head, discarding the ham to Mike who ate it without question. 

"What is he talking to me about?" I asked, wearily, spooning my fruit cup. 

"Nothing." replied Vic and Jaime in unison. Mike grunted and rolled off of Jaime. 

"What does showers do?" I asked listening to Tony complain about the water pressure like a five year old. 

"It sobers him up." replied Mike. "He's kind of a lightweight." 

"Stop smoking around him." Vic scolded. "Just stop in general." 

As the two bickered, Jaime started to rub my shoulders instead. I smiled and ate the fruitcup. 


All five of us sat in a circle. Tony cleared his throat and fought back a yawn. Mike was tossing a ball of yarn in the air like a cat, Vic was eating a cup of fruit and Jaime was playing with his fingers. 

"What's up?" I asked carefully. 

Tony sighed and rubbed his face. 

"Summer's almost up." he told me. I nodded. 

"Yeah." I replied. 

"So..." Tony began again. "We have to put you in school." 

I leaned my head back. "Oh, God no, not school." 

Tony laughed dryly. "I'm sorry, Terra, but the summer's almost up and you need to be educated in a school system." I glanced at Jaime and Vic for help, but they both avoided my eye contact. 

"You guys can't be serious." I sighed. "I don't even remember what grade I'm in. Mr. Collins had-" 

Tony looked up when I said Bryan Collins's name. I sighed. 

"I was educated before. Homeschooled. I just...I don't...I don't think I'm ready." Tony wrinkled his nose. 

"Could you go grab your file so we can figure out what grade you're in?" He asked innocently. I sighed and went to go find it. When I returned, Tony was smiling at me. 

"Great. Take your time." 

I sighed and opened the file. 

Name: Terra ???

Age: 15

Grade: Currently in Tenth

I looked up. 

"I'm a Junior...I guess." 

"Great!" Tony smiled. "We'll enroll you tonight." 

I gritted my teeth. No...

Vic smiled and patted my shoulder. "I'm sorry, kiddo." 

"Cheer up, Little Perry." Jaime told me. "It ain't that bad!"

"Well i hate to go to school And listen to the stupid rules Just to keep me out of the way So they can have an easy day." Mike sang absently. 

"Sorry," Tony apologized. I made a face. 

"Thanks, Turtle." I muttered sarcastically. I sighed. 

"Whatever. It's done. I hope they like me." 

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