Chapter Two: Mr. Perry

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We climbed into his truck and he put the file in the backseat. "They were being totally kiss-ass." Mr. Perry laughed. "You can call me Tony."  

"They call me Terra." I told him, sticking the lollipop in my back pocket. Tony smiled. 

"Great. Nice to meet you, Terra." He started up the car and began to drive out of the dreaded parking lot. "You may not remember me, but I'm your dad's cousin." he smiled toothily. He began to drive to an outlet store. 

"Why are we here?" I asked as he pulled into the parking lot. 

"Your shoes have blood on them because of that girl." he looked disgusted. I grinned. 

"Oh this? This is nothing. You should see my Framing Hanely shirt. One time-" 

Tony cut me off. "Ah...I don't enjoy bloody stories." he smiled grimly at me. I laughed and looked out the window. 

When I picked out the white converse, Tony sighed. 

"I take it you're a converse girl." He said adjusting his cap. When I nodded, he chuckled. "Don't tell that to Vic. He's obsessed with Vans." 

"Who's Vic?" I asked as I handed him the converse box. 

"Haha.." Tony laughed. "Vic's my friend. He's a real good friend." 

I turned around, my eyes as wide as saucers. "You're not gay, are you?" 

Tony blushed. "No, I'm completely heterosexual. Not that there's anything wrong with being gay. I'm just...not..." he trailed off. I giggled and he stood in the checkout line. 

We were on our way after he paid for the shoes. I smiled and thanked him. He told me it was no problem. "So, we're gonna stop at my house real quick so you can drop your stuff off." He glanced over at me. I was changing into my new shoes. "And then we're gonna go over to Vic's house." 

"Why?" I asked inncently, tying the laces. 

"I don't know." Tony chuckled. "I think he's planning a party for you." 

"He doesn't even know me." I stated. "So why does he care?" 

Tony turned on the blinker with his tattooed hands and sighed as we pulled into a driveway of his house. "As of today, you're part of the family." Tony told me, parking smoothly. "They Perry-Preciado-Fuentes family." he smiled at me. I smiled back. "And you might want to get that side bandaged. That lady told me fell down the stairs. Broke some ribs, huh?" 

I rolled my eyes slightly. "Oh yeah. Nasty fall." I told him sarcastically. He knew I was lying, but he didn't push it. 

"Out, out, out!" He cried and he jumped out as well. I snickered and grabbed my bag. I closed the truck behind me and Tony opened the house door for me. 

I was greeted by warmth. I smiled. Maybe Amy was right. 

Tony lead me upstairs and showed me rooms. 

"This is my room. It's a little messy, but...ahhh." He opened another door. "This is Jaime's room. Sometimes he's here, sometimes at Vic's. But mostly here." Then he opened the door to my room. "And this is yours." 

There was a full sized bed in the corner of the room. The bed was littered with stuffed animal turtles. I smiled. There was a walk in closet that had some Hottopic brand clothing. There were also Vans and Converse on the ground. There was a small bathroom with a small shower stall and some makeup in the drawers and a large mirror in the wall. 

"The walls are white so wer can paint them later." He told me. He smiled. "Do you like it?" 

"I love it!" I told him. He grinned. 

"Good." he stretched a little and pulled me into a hug. I flinched, expecting his hands to wander or for him to start touching me like my past foster fathers and foster brothers. But he just held me in a hug. "Welcome home, Terra." he whispered. I smiled and held him a little longer. It felt nice. 


Okay...I don't know if I like this....I'll see...

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