"May I please be excused? I'm not feeling well." Mr. Hardy notices my appearance and how I'm acting. My body was shaking, I was slightly stuttering, and my mind just wanted me to cry.

"Sure thing, Miss. Montgomery." I get up quickly and grab my things while everybody keeps their eyes on me. I reassure Clair about being alright, and then I leave in a haste. Tears start pouring down my face once I reach the cold outside air. I find myself gasping for air, and trying to find my conscious again.

What is happening to me? Why did I let seeing Harry act so calm affect me? He walked like nothing happened, but maybe he thought the rumor wouldn't spread. My breathing started to steady, and I started to feel better once the cold air hit my lungs.

It doesn't last long though, my breathing starts speeding up again when I hear the familiar sound of boots clicking on the sidewalk. I want to run, but my feet are stuck to the ground.

"Sarah, are you okay?" It hit me, right there in an instant. Harry didn't know what in the world was going on, he didn't spread the rumor. "Baby.." I feel Harry's warm touch on my shoulder, and his soothing voice in my ear. He was standing behind me, waiting for me to turn around.

"Harry, it's going around that you spread a rumor about me." I start saying, with my back turned to him. "You said that I'm easy and now every girl is calling me a slut." My voice cracks and tears stream down my face.

"I did no such fucking thing Sarah. Why the fuck would I ruin something the week after I got to have it." Harry turns me around to face him. He looked offended and hurt, but I also felt hurt because I didn't know how this could've started.

"I figured that Harry, I really did." Girls walked past us, while snickering and giggling. "Gosh, they just never stop." Harry wraps his arms around me and pulls me into his arms.

I cry and scream into his black t-shirt, and I didn't care who heard me. Harry's embrace was all I wanted and it made me realize how much Harry loved me. He could never hurt me like that, and he never would.

"Let's go, Sarah." I nod into Harry's chest and close my eyes before pulling away. Harry wipes away my tears with his thumbs. We start walking hand in hand to his car, which makes me feel safe.

Harry was protective over me right now, because he also wanted to get to the bottoms of this. To say Harry is a good man is an understatement, he is the most kind hearted person on earth. He'd never hurt me, and he never tried to.

"You haven't answered your phone at all." I start the conversation up first when we get into his car. He keeps his strong grip on the steering wheel, and stares straight ahead. "Harry, what's been going on?" He lets out a breath and runs one of his hands through his unruly curls.

"I didn't have my phone at all yesterday. When I got out of my car after dropping you off, it fell on the pavement and didn't work at all afterwards." I believe Harry's excuse, because I do realize that he doesn't have his phone in his jean pockets or in his car anywhere.

"Were you with Macy?" Harry furrows his eyebrows in confusion. How did this situation get so messed up?

"Now who the fuck told you that?" Harry asks, turning to catch a glance at me. He looked angry and frustrated, like he just wanted to stop the car and get out in the middle of the highway.

"Liam told me. I asked him to come pick me up from work, because you weren't answering." I stop talking to take a quick breath. "He said you were with Macy, and that's the reason why you weren't picking up." The thought of Liam lying to me scared me. I trusted him more than I trust most people, so he better not take it for granted.

"Lima lied to you. Sarah I was at home last night doing an essay for school and watching some crap movie you recommended." I roll my eyes at the last thing Harry says. The movies I recommend are not at all crappy.

"Which movie." I ask curious to see if Harry will come up with a solid and correct name of a movie I had suggested.

"The Notebook, you hopeless romantic." I remember that night now, where it was the second time we had been intimate. We were just lying in bed, in our underwear, talking about stupid movies and the books that go along with them.

"Gosh, I remember that." Harry starts tapping his fingers against the steering wheel, trying to make some noise in the car. Soon enough though, we had arrived at Harry's apartment.

We walk all the way inside and upstairs. Harry gets his keys to unlock the door. Right as we walk in, Harry attaches his body onto mine and starts kissing my lips with roughness and passion all at once. Where was this leading?

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