"Yeah. I've just been really distracted lately. I'm doing my best to catch up." I replied.

"I always said that Nathan was a bad influence on you, you should never have started dating him. Then you might actually still be doing well at school..." my father snapped at me, not that I really cared. Nathan wasn't the reason I was distracted. It was down to Tom and his relationship with Miss.Lake.

Yes. I'm jealous of them and how close they are.

No. I really don't care what anyone says or does, he's my boyfriend, not hers.

"Sorry dad. I'm going to try harder from now on, I promise." I said, attempting to sound as convincing as I could without making it sound too fake.

"You're to go to school now and Mr.Parker wants to see you in his room. He's going to give you all the work you need to catch up with." my mother sighed, before standing up and leaving the room, still looking unimpressed with me and what I had been doing.


I walked into Tom's History room, just as my mother had told me to do, discovering that he was already talking to Mr.McGuiness and Mr.Kaneswaran. They were laughing about something and I knew I had interrupted them while they were having a good old laugh and joke before school actually started.

"Sir, my parents told me that you needed to see me..." I said as I walked further into the room.

"Oh, Rachel, yes, I did need to see you." Tom replied, moving through his paperwork as he spoke.

"I hope she's not in too much trouble." Mr.McGuiness smiled at me sympathetically.

"Nope. Just got to have a discussion about her standard of work in lessons, nothing serious." Tom smiled back at Mr.McGuiness who then walked out of the room without another word to say.

"Morning Rachel. Will I see you in Geography at all this week?" Mr.Kaneswaran asked with a friendly smile on his face. I'd been deliberately skipping lessons to give myself time to think. I loved Geography, but when I had it last thing, three times a week, it really did just take it's toll on me after a while and I hated that side of it.

"Morning sir. And, erm, maybe, I haven't really thought about it recently..." I sighed.

"You know, you're an intelligent girl but, if you keep missing lessons, then your grades are really going to suffer." Mr.Kaneswaran replied, a serious expression almost drawn on his face as he spoke to me.

"I've just been having an awful time lately and I've been dealing with everything in the wrong way. I'm sorry sir and I'll catch up with everything." I muttered.

"If you want to talk to someone, then my door is always open. I expect to see you tomorrow afternoon." he smiled and then walked out of the room, closing the door behind him, leaving just me and Tom in the same room.

I looked into his eyes and a smirk spread his lips as he looked back at me, there was something in his eyes that I hadn't seen in a long time and I wasn't sure if I liked it or not.

He stood up from his chair and walked round to where I was standing, forcing me to walk backwards into his desk as he got closer to me. I was perched on the edge of the desk, Tom's face inches away from mine as his hot breath fanned my neck, making my hair stand on end.

It wasn't long before I felt Tom's hands holding my face and his lips pressed against mine. There was such force and love behind it, like he had been waiting so long for this and it was the happiest day of his life - I could even feel him beginning to smile into the kiss as he pulled me closer to him.

"I need you Rachel." he breathed into my ear as he left a trail of kisses down my neck and he moved towards my lips again.

"Not here Tom. Someone might catch us." I replied with a giggle, all the innocence disappearing out of the window in that moment.

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