One -

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So, had this idea when I was sat in a Geography mock and thought I'd give it a go. I've read other people's stories like them and they were awesome, so, yeah, mine might be as well.

Hope you enjoy this part, let me know what you think. Could even give it a vote if you love it that much.

Thanks for reading guys, love you all.



"So, not only is Tom in your form for the next year, he's also your History teacher?" Louise asked for about the fourth time during our English lesson.

I didn't need her to keep reminding me of that fact, it was bad enough he was even here, not to mention that he was a teacher; yet that small fact seems to have escaped his mind when he was asking me to go on date with him.

I thought that would be the one thing that he tells me.

But no, I have to find that out for myself on the day that we come back to school.

"Makes me wish that I'd dropped that over Music now, at least I wouldn't have to see his perfect face, and that sexy body, and his eyes which never fail to-"

"Rach, you're pissed off with him, not falling even further in love with him." Louise whispered harshly as she slapped me, bringing me back to reality and reminding me that I wasn't with him anymore.

He was my teacher now and there was no chance of anything ever happening between us again.

Even I know that's against the law and Tom, I mean, Mr.Parker, will get into serious trouble if anything did happen.

"Rachel, please repeat what I just said?" Mr.Cooper said as he appeared behind me and Louise, obviously knowing that we weren't listening to him or anything that he was telling us.

"Erm, something about something?" I shrugged.

"We're not going to have a repeat performance of last year are we?" Mr.Cooper asked, walking back towards the front of the group, who were now looking at me.

"No, sir. I'm sorry..." I sighed.

"Good, but just to make sure, please move away from your friend there and take the empty seat beside Sarah."


"Don't argue with me Rachel. Empty seat, beside Sarah, move now." Mr.Cooper said before I even had a chance to say anything else. He sounded extremely annoyed and I didn't really want to get in his bad books already, so I just did as he asked and took the empty seat beside Sarah.

My least favourite person in the class.

I hated her and she hated me; it had always been like that and nothing was going to change the way in which we acted towards each other.

See, the reason she hated me, is because we share the same birthday. And, on our birthday, I always got everything that she wanted.

I always got the better presents, had the better parties and got the most money.

She hated me for that and, in return, for the jealousy and hate that she constantly showed towards me, I hated her and didn't want to be her friend.

Now Mr.Cooper was going to make me spend the rest of the year sitting beside her, just to prove a point and make me pay attention to him next time.

He could be a real twat when he wanted to be; it actually surprised me that he was married and had two kids with his wife. I feel sorry for them with him in their lives.

"Don't talk to me, don't ask me for help and don't ask me for advice. In fact, just don't even look at me." Sarah whispered as I took the seat next to her.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." I replied.

"Now, as I was saying. This year we'll be studying two different plays, Shakespeare's Macbeth and Miller's The Crucible. I've selected-" as Mr.Cooper continued speaking, I stopped paying attention to what he was saying. His mono tone voice making my mind a much more interesting place to be right now since he was making one of my favourite subjects, one of the most undesirable to study.

Just over an hour later the bell for our break rang throughout the school, a sigh of relief escaped my lips as I would no longer have to listen to the vicious comments being made about me from Sarah and I wouldn't have to listen to Mr.Cooper going on and on about how great a man Shakespeare was or how Miller was a Communist sympathiser.

Instead I was going to have a conversation with Louise.

Probably about Tom and what he was doing here - I mean, how was I supposed to know that one?

I'm not bloody psychic and I haven't seen or spoken to Tom in over a month.

If she wants to know that much, then she should just ask him.

"How are going to deal with Tom being here then?" Lousie asked once we were out of earshot of Mr.Cooper.

"I'm just going to treat him like a normal teacher and get on with the learning, I'm sure I can last a year..." I replied.

"Only he isn't a normal teacher. You love him, you've slept with him and you want him back. You're never going to get over him at this rate!" Louise protested a little louder than she intended; but it was loud enough to cause people to turn their head and stare at us.

I'm sure they all wanted to know who, or what, I was going on about right now.

"Do you want say that a bit louder, I don't think the staff room quite heard you?" I replied sarcastically as I shot her a disapproving look.

"Sorry. When do you have him?" she asked.

"Next lesson. It's just going to be so awkward, and it doesn't help that I said he was a twat that was no good for me, while he was sat in the room..." I muttered.

"Well, why did you do that?"

"I didn't know it was him at the time. McGuiness was talking to me, he asked me how me and Tom were, and I just said it without thinking." I snapped, it was bad enough that Tom was my new History teacher, my bestfriend was only making it worse with the constant questioning and all-out comments.

"Well, enjoy your lesson, I'm going to Photography. See you at lunchtime?"

"Thanks Lou. And yeah, meet me in History?" I replied.

"Sure. See you later." Louise smiled and then walked off towards her photography lesson, while I took the slow walk towards History hoping that, by the time I got there, the bell for the end of break would have gone, and half the class was going to be there so I would have to answer any questions or make conversation with Tom.

This was going to be a great lesson.

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