Chapter One

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I swirled the drink around and around in its glass, my thoughts running free through the pub. I looked around, blinking slowly, meeting the eyes of a few people.

My shaky fingers rained through my damp hair, clearing it from my face. My chest was burning, my heart beat irregular. My head felt light. I was on the verge of being sick.

It was beginning to feel normal.

I drew the warm rim to my lips and let the whiskey rip down the back of my throat, seething into my skin. I shut my eyes at the sensation, chest expanding with stale air.

Appalling music vibrated along the floor and walls, echoing through my brain in a way that would make it pound by the morning.

I found a pair of eyes gazing over at me from the bar. The woman smiled lightly before she turned away again. She was relatively attractive, with light brown hair washing over her shoulders and tan skin that glowed under the light.

My body lifted before I could think. At any rate, I didn't want to think.

I put on a smile and spoke to her for a few minutes, my eyes slipping downward once in a while. It was all a little game and we both knew how to play it. I bought her a drink and she joked around about me wanting to get her drunk. Her hand placed itself on my shoulder, slipping down to my bicep once in a while.

The night moved on as it should. She ended up in the back of my car, kissing my neck whilst I slammed doors shut. It was systematic. The alcohol was buzzing through my body, numbing my mind. I tore off my hot shirt and tossed it aside, then grabbing for hers.

She squealed and laughed, the sound piercing my eyes.

I managed to get us to a motel before she tried to yank my zipper open in the driver's seat. I turned a condom over between my fingers in my left pocket as I drove, my mind blank.

She swung her hips whilst walking ahead of me. I wanted to vomit, but I swallowed down the taste of bile. The receptionist gave me a dirty look. I came in here fairly often.

I led the woman, Jessica, up to our room for the night. She was too pissed to wonder why I had taken her to a motel and I didn't care to explain. She drew me in with a giggle, I then slamming the door hard.

I kept my eyes closed most of the time, having to dodge her sloppy lips when she tried to kiss me after every few high-pitched moans. It was sweaty and messy, but the burn that fired through my back was satisfying.

The flimsy bed inched forward with a screech. I hardly heard it in the back of my mind. I grasped for the headboard above her, my lips limply forming an o-shape as my eyes blurred over the flaked paint of the motel's wall.

Everything was still hazy, enough for our chaos to be okay. She breathed on my name, profanities, at some point another man's name. My lips hung open for thick pants, my eyes forcing shut once again when I drew closer.

She came with a sharp mewl and I continued until a climax was forced out of me too. It felt like it only lasted a second before I was crashing down to earth, all vague excitement lost when I hit the dirt.

"That was good," she slurred, a little chuckle coming from under me. I ignored her and rolled over breathlessly, staring up at the grey ceiling again. My head was pounding. My throat felt like it might be closing up.

She crawled up onto weak legs and left to go shower, leaving me alone in the dark room. I swallowed down the lump and inhaled deeply, only to smell the mould of the walls and sex.

I collected my clothes, my wallet, myself, and left quietly as I heard the shower turn on.

The receptionist subtly shook his head at me this time, his eyes lifting when I strolled past. I could feel his stare seep into my back on the way out, only adding to the burn where the woman had dug her nails into my skin, but I didn't care.

It was difficult to care, but it was also difficult to breathe.

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