Chapter Nineteen

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Darcy was the only one talking in the car. Not that she noticed.

Harry pulled up at a small diner. It didn't look like much, especially not beside the larger steak house across the road. I wondered if it was here in his childhood. The roof was slanted to the right, giving it a retro look.

I got out and Darcy was unplugged and lowered to the ground by Harry. She galloped up to my side and grabbed my hand in her tinier one. She looked up at me and I blew her a playful kiss. Her giggles sounded, causing me to smile.

Again, Harry was there to open the door before I could. I guessed it was because he thought it would hurt. Hardly, really.

"Table for how many?" A woman in a black waitron's apron asked me.

"Two adults, one little fairy," I joked, pointing down at Darcy. She grinned happily at what I had said.

"I'll have to put you at the special table then," the waitress muttered, guiding us down the bistro. It was just the corner booth, but the woman pretended to survey the area before nudging Darcy through. The four year old believed wholeheartedly this booth was specifically for fairies and spent the next few minutes telling me of how important it was she got this booth instead of an ordinary one. The seats were a dark red, and the table was made of light wood with a tray of condiments in the corner.

I watched Harry fall into the side opposite us, looking heavier than usual. His wrists were rested on the table and he looked away to the carpet as he rubbed them.

"Are you ready to order now?"

I looked up at the brunette waitress. I hadn't actually noticed how pretty she was. Her makeup was done well compared to the few woman in here wearing worn-out jumpsuits or farmer wife maxi skirts.

"Um... Do you have iced tea?"

She nodded with a smile. "One iced tea. Anything for the fairy or the fairy's father?"

Harry looked up with a raised eyebrow.

"Darcy," I explained in a whisper. His eyes scanned between the waiter and his daughter.

"A pink milkshake, and gin and tonic — water. I mean water." The waitress nodded before she left us. I looked back at Harry. His head was shaking lightly in irritation. Irritated with himself perhaps.


His green eyes shifted up to me and he sat forward slightly. "Yeah, Haze?"

I smiled at the nickname. "Relax a bit. It's going to be alright."

He let out a sigh at my comment. "Right. It's been a really shitty day."

I took both his large, limp hands in mine. His cold ring slithered against my palm, but his skin was warm. "Lighten up, Harry. You're back home now."

His eyes shed over the diner. A grin broke through his face. "My mom used to work here, you know." He began to chuckle. "She would always say something horrifically cheesy when she gave me my food. It was so embarrassing with my friends."

"What did she say?"

He looked over at the kitchen as if she were in there now. "Made with love," he murmured, barely audible.

I smiled across at him and circled my thumb into his hand. "Were you close with her?"

He bite his lip and shook his head. "Not like I should've been." His hands drew back into his lap. I exhaled at his indifference. I didn't know how to catch my breath with him.

"My hair's in my eyes," Darcy said randomly, blowing at a piece. I looked down and laughed at her. Harry simply huffed with a small smile.

"Come here," I said, sliding her body closer to me and turning her out to the window.

Distract and Sedate H.Sحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن