Author's Note

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It feels good, doesn't it? You finished reading a book, I finished writing a book. I feel pretty damn content about it all.

Anyway, what I actually wanted to say was a massive, massive thank you for taking the time to read my story. From the bottom of my heart, I appreciate all the reads, votes and comments from you guys because it makes my day, everyday. I don't want to get too sappy now but I never thought I'd get more than like 200 reads so, you know, thanks.

There won't be a sequel. I simply don't believe in forcing sequels. I've been traumatised ever since The Lion King 2 and 3. Besides, some stories are made to conclude without a definite ending, just left in the open for your own imagination. This would be one of them.

I'm always going to be writing something or other, though. I'm currently working on Harry fanfic in my works wherein he's a punk nude painter and a tattoo artist that I'm pretty excited about, so please look out for that xx.

If you have any further questions for me about something in the story, some final thoughts to share, highlight this sentence and comment it in.

Forever and always

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