Chapter Sixty Six

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'Something isn't right, babe. I keep catching little words, but the meaning's thin.'

How was it possible that I fell in love with him? From his lies to his temper, I have studied stacks of textbooks on people sharing his qualities. How could I have not seen it? For the first time in my life, I had not analyzed a person's human behaviour. I could have only experienced him for all that he was.

Love can be blinding they say. Personally, love slain my entire mentality. Who I was, whether content or not, had utterly adapted to himself. His soul being fractured and splintered, my own crafted and shifted to fill his broken crevices. Now that I saw this, I wasn't sure what shape I was in without him.

On weak legs, I staggered onto the couch and folded my legs under me. The letter was pressed to my heart as if a part of it, and maybe it was.

"Hazel, for fucks' sakes!" The door slammed shut behind him, loudly. "What was that? I've been searching near an hour for you, about to call the police station when I find you sitting here at home!"

I kept my mouth shut. I had nothing more to say to him.

"Hazel, look at me. What's the matter with you?" His knee slid along my leg as he towered over me, grasping my face in his large hands. My eyes were forced up into his, demanding of my answer. The heaviness in my throat and chest seemed to only swell looking up at him.

"Do you take me for an idiot?"

His anger dissolved quickly, he blinking down at me. As I had left him outside the business offices, he frowned. "No, of course I don't. Just, tell me why you ran off from me."

I turned my face out of his warm cupped palms, folding my arms across my chest. He sat back on the coffee table in front of me, my legs fitting tightly between his. "Is it because I went to talk with Cecilia? I'm sorry, but I—"

"It wasn't that, Harry." From the window, I glanced back at his worried eyes. This was only to catch his reaction. "I spoke with Sam while you were gone."

His furrowed eyebrows released. His entire body slacked. It took him a moment to process it, all that Sam knew of and had told me.

"He's lying," Harry stated, the first thing to say. He grasped my hands too firmly. "I swear, all he said was a lie."

"How ironic." I recoiled my fingers from his grip.

Harry exhaled deeply and clutched onto the ends of his knees, then subtly gliding them onto my legs. "What did he tell you?"

I glued my vision to his fidgeting hands, not being able to meet his eyes any longer. "You lied to me, Harry. And you know you did."

They cupped his knees again, scratching over his skin slowly as his agitation built. "No. I didn't. Well, I suppose I did sort of. But, just listen. I know that it seems bad but I couldn't— you wouldn't have... I..." His sentence ran dry as he noticed my glassy eyes. It was certain now that he had lied to me about Cecilia, and possibly everything else he had told me. It could've all been untruth.

"Did you not expect me to stick around long enough?" I choked.

"No. I knew you wouldn't stay if I told you. I... I couldn't let you go, Hazel." He stammered slightly before dropping his voice to add, "I'm sorry that I couldn't tell you."

I could feel his eyes burning into the top of my head as my fingers trembled lightly under me. "But you're not sorry that you lied."

He lowered his face to catch my line of vision. "Look at me please."

"I can't, Harry."

He tilted my stiff chin up, and the tear rolled down my cheek. His thumb trailed over it lightly, so lightly it seemed he was afraid to crush the droplet.

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