Chapter Twenty

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The air was harsh and cold early that morning. Mist transpired in the light woods beyond, and blurred the grey road ahead of us.

She trotted along happily at my side, a stupid grin on her flushed, red lips. Her eyes shone as she stared out at the damp, sparkling grass winging the cold road. My hoodie was drowning her figure but there was a different sort of attraction about it, another type of appeal. Not that she would ever know I thought such things.

"This is so beautiful," she said to herself as her vision shed over our surroundings. She had made me promise to go on an adventure walk with her a few days ago.

"Is your back sore?"

"No, Harry... The bruise is almost gone. I'm utterly perfect."

My shoulders tensed as she bumped into me lightly. I looked down to see her giggling to herself.

"Relax, Harry. You're always so worked up," she teased. Her arm curled around mine and she brought it to her chest.

"I'm not," I defended, trying not to get distracted by it. "Look at me now, walking with you. Not pushing you away. I should be given an award."

She chuckled and pressed her face to my jacket. The pronounced apples of her cheeks were a light shade of pink. It brought out the blue in her piercing grey irises.

"Stop staring at me, freak."

I reverted my eyes, smirking.

My face stung from the crisp, fresh air. Her head was still leaning against my shoulder and her body flowed with my walking pace. So dreadfully I wanted to wrap my arm around her, but without an excuse I knew I shouldn't.

"Darcy should've come. She would have loved this."

"She would've walked up the road and I'd have to carry her the rest of the way."

She burst into laughter and her hair fell over her chest. She decided to straighten it yesterday, but she killed its usual bounce and liveliness. Sometimes I thought it had a mind of its own.

Before I could stop myself, my arm relaxed over her shoulder and I drew a strand of hair behind her cold ear. She looked up at my face. I stitched my eyes to the road. I felt her frame meld against mine as her smile was born. I tried to grasp a look at it but she caught me.

"Stop looking at me like that, shorty," I chuckled.

"I'm average height," she defended.

"For garden gnomes."

She slapped my chest lightly and chuckled into the frosty air. Mist formed from her plump lips and it probably shouldn't have stolen so much of my attention, but it did.

"There's a bridge up ahead, I think," I murmured. I had to admit that I liked the feeling of being able to keep her close like this. She was strangely warm. I hardly remembered what another's body felt against mine in this way.

Her soft, dainty fingers brushed over my collar as I walked us along.

"Is that it?"

I lifted my head to see the narrow crossing off the side of the road a few paces up. I couldn't believe it was still here; it was made of dark oak wood. The paint had long chipped off. We strolled up to it in silence.

I stopped her. "Might not be steady," I muttered as I took a careful step forward. Miraculously, it was still as sturdy as a rock. I held the railing and jumped up in curiosity. She giggled softly at me into her fingers from the edge of the deck.

I felt my face heating up as she moved next to me.

"You're such an idiot," she whispered. I looked down at her pretty face and she shot me down again with her smile. She was a killer, for sure.

I gripped onto the railings with my gloves and listened to the gentle stream under us. So many memories were embedded into this bridge.

She rotated and leaned her back against the ledge, her arms on either side of her body. I glanced over before leaning down to prop my elbows against the railing.

"What do you think of this place?" I asked her quietly.

"It's magical. You must have had the best childhood ever."

"Sure," I said with a chuckle.

"I'm being serious, Harry. I could only imagine what life was like for a child. Darcy already loves it."

I nodded as I furrowed my eyebrows and stared off into the distance. "It was great."

"You sound derisive," she said, scooting beside my arm. Jesus, this girl makes me feel stupid sometimes. Derisive?

"Like sarcastic," she added, resisting a smile now.

"I know that," I stated. "And no, it was for the most part okay."

"Most part?"

She was looking up at me with big, blue eyes that soaked me with warm water, cleansed my soul without her even knowing.

"Yeah, for the most part," I echoed. My two rings began interesting. I twisted them around my fingers.

"And the rest of the time?" She was talented at prying and probing at my secrets. I was still trying to get used to it.

"Don't you worry, shrink."

I chuckled at her annoyed expression and looked back at the water.

"Let's play a game," she said after a moment had passed.


"I'll answer any question you ask me, then vice versa and so it goes on. Whoever doesn't answer loses... And has to make breakfast in bed for the winner for the next week."

I wiped a hand over my jaw. She knew I couldn't resist a challenge like that.

"I don't know if I can afford to lose, Haze. I've already got a permanently stiff neck from the couch."

She laughed and turned onto her side next to me, waiting patiently to ask her pressing questions.

"If I win, you have to let me back into the bed."

I caused a grin to spark on her features and a light dimple caved into her cheek. I hadn't noticed it before. "Deal."

"Okay, me first." I had a few things I've wanted to ask her. "How many foster parents have you had?"

Her smile faded and she looked away. "Four."

Her head lowered over the edge and she blew out a deep breath. She brought herself up again. "Why did you really leave your company?"

How did she...

"Come on, Harry. I know when people lie."

I felt far too exposed in front of her. For anyone else I would've tossed them over the bridge by now.

"I was fired." I couldn't look into her eyes now. "The drinking consumed my work."

She gave me a critical look. She had never done that before. "Don't try to lie again. It's not going to work." I was then surprised. I was expecting the speech my dad used to give me.

Her arm slid between mine and I hesitantly took her delicate hand in my fingers, drawing patterns into her sweet skin.

"I'm sorry. I didn't want to blow your little crush on me."

She scoffed as the wind whisked her dark locks behind her back. "I had no such thing."

I smirked down at her hand. "You were like a blushing schoolgirl. It was kind of cute."

She didn't respond, but when I turned my head I saw her cheeks were pinker than before. It only watered my smile.

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