Chapter Fifteen

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Part one

I tugged my sleeves over my hands and hugged them around my waist as I shuffled down the cool hall. I could smell food from the kitchen. Harry's voice floated along the empty walls.

Darcy was sitting on the corner of the kitchen island in front of Harry as both his arms were to the sides of her small body, a smile on his lips as he spoke.

"That must've been fun, love," he whispered playfully.

"Good morning," I murmured as I made my way toward them.

I saw Harry's eyes subtly drop over me before he looked into my eyes. "Morning," he said. He moved away from Darcy and rested his back against the stove opposite the two of us.

He was wearing a pair of his usual boots and dark jeans. His grey shirt was tight against his toned and tattooed abs and it caught my attention a second longer than it should have.

I lifted myself next to Darcy and she smiled broadly up at me.

"Did you sleep nicely, Hazel?" She asked sweetly, swaying her arms slightly.

I giggled and nodded. "Fantastically, babe. How did you sleep?"

She bit her lip to resist smiling. "I met a fairy... at twelve o' clock."

"What? Tell me about it," I urged, poking her side lightly.

She squirmed away in laughter, before diving straight into the story of what adventure she had experienced last night.

I nodded along, glancing at Harry's smirk once in a while.

"And the goblin said sorry I hope," I said.

She shook her head vigorously before she continued the story. "He just told the fairy to go home! But the fairy didn't like that so she made a spell on him to turn him into a frog."

"And all this happened last night?"

Darcy nodded with a shocked face. "They told me not to tell anyone."

I frowned. "But, babe... You're telling me right now."

She quickly put both her hands over my mouth to my surprise. Her eyes flickered warily around the room before she murmured, "Shhh."

I chuckled and took her hands in mine to bring them down. "Guess what happened to us last night?"

"What?" She asked in interest.

I looked up to Harry with a smile on my parted lips. "Your daddy found a big frog jumping around in our bedroom!"

She gasped and Harry's shoulders shook in soft laughter.

"It was the goblin," she exclaimed. "I have to go find him!"

"No wait, Darcy-"

She dived off the table and was galloping across the kitchen before I could stop her.

"Whoops," I muttered.

Harry turned around to flip the bacon he was frying. "She adores you, Hazel."

It brought memories of yesterday to me. Should I tell him she said she loves me? I probably should.

"She said she loved me," I said carefully.

"Yeah, she told me as well. I'm sorry if it freaked you out. She just... has too big a heart for her own good."

"It's alright." It was partly a lie. Although, I didn't mind as much as I should've.

He rotated to me and bent his elbows to the counter. "I didn't mean to say those things last night."

I frowned at him. He was more delusional than Darcy. "I think you're only saying that because you're not used to opening up."

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