Chapter Thirty Three

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"Are you okay?"

He asked as if I was hobbling in pain, but I wasn't really.

He hadn't moved from where I left him to shower twenty minutes ago. He was sprawled over the couch, but sat up when I entered the lounge. I demurely noticed he had taken care of himself.

"You're good?" He asked again when I didn't reply.

"Brilliant," I mocked him, falling onto the spot opposite his on the couch.

He chuckled slightly and rotated his head over to me. Nothing came from him beside the stare he believed to be concealing from me. I relaxed into the pillow and ignored it. I felt lot more comfortable with him in some way.

"You were good at that," I murmured. I shut my eyes tightly in disgrace. The most awkward thing to say, trust me to be the one to say it.

"I like to hear that." His body cast over mine after he shuffled over. He smirked to himself and placed a kiss to my third eye, causing my eyelashes to flutter open.

"Don't get too big a head." I flicked his forehead lightly in return. He leant over me and I giggled as he forced another three kisses over my face through my defiance. My hands were pulled behind my back and he pressed a slower, softer one to my lips.

I let his mouth roll off of mine and my vision opened to see his eyes right before me. His breath fanned over me, warming my skin.

"You are completely different, Hazel. I know now for sure."

It was only inevitable with time. I had always known that. I just didn't know what is was about that specific moment that urged me to give myself to him.

"Did you get the kebabs?"

I was clutching them in my hand. He began smiling when I looked up. He had been doing that a lot since the other morning. An idiotic grin that I doubt he had control over. I remember four weeks ago he could hardly even look at me.

A different Harry from months before crossed my mind. I wondered what had happened that sculpted him into what he was now. How could someone withdraw from their habits within a month?

"Yes, I got them." They were added to the pile as I joined his side.

"Brilliant. Now we just need more pink milkshake mix for Darcy and..."

He stopped to check his list. He made lists for everything, I had recently discovered.

"No, that seems to be it." I nodded as we walked along with the trolley.

"You and El seem to have really hit it off," he said. "She never liked having people over at her house."

I chuckled at him and queued behind a round man in the till. "Harry, you guys were twelve."

"Well, I still know her fairly well. She is picky when it comes to friends."

"It sounds like rejected friendship bitterness from your side."

He rolled his eyes and leaned against the trolley. "I happen to have fantastic conversational skills and would've made a wonderful friend. She just never saw it because her head was too far up her arse."

I threw him a sceptical glance over my shoulder. "Don't say that. She seems really nice."

"You agree with her?" I chuckled at his look of annoyance.

"Advance, please," the sourest woman in the store asked. We both turned our heads and Harry rolled the trolley forward. That determined look in his eyes developed, like he was on a mission.

Distract and Sedate H.SOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz