Chapter Twenty Nine

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"She's always pissed me off. I don't blame you."


"And as much as I love Rose dearly, I have to warn you of her plans."

"What plans?"

We strolled along one of the pathways, under the dense shade of trees. Her face dropped as if she had changed her mind. "Look, Hazel, you seem nice - smart. I actually have no idea how a guy like Harry even got you."

"A guy like Harry?" I frowned. "And what plan does Rose have?"

She ignored the secondary question. "Well, I knew him as a kid. I suppose he has grown up a bit now."

"He has. He's changed a lot," I defended.

"Sure, and the fact you have a daughter together just blows my mind. That must have really yanked him into manhood."

"She's not mine, but yes, it did."

Her head cocked to me. "She's not your child?"

I explained how Darcy came along as simply as I could, and I did so with a neutral expression. "He'd rather brush it aside when talking. He hates having to keep telling people when he introduces her." I was making excuses for him and I didn't even know why.

She nodded silently, then murmured, "You took in an alcoholic with a four year old daughter?"

"How'd you know about the alcoholism?"

"The whole town knew. His dad had a problem. His- It's never been a secret. But I can't wrap my head around why you would burden yourself with... No, I'm sorry. Burden is not what I mean."

"It's okay." I drew my hands together in front of myself as we walked among the rose bushes. "His heart is soft, believe it or not."

I recognised her smile from beside me. "You care a lot for him, don't you?"

"Yes." I really didn't have a clue. Yes, I couldn't help but care about him and maybe his quirks I was beginning to accustom to, but things were pestering me. His former drinking problem that he was dealing with, that little spark of aggression. I was hesitant to say the least. "I don't know if I do."

"Why move in then?"

She had a lot of questions that I couldn't answer. "If I didn't... I felt like I was giving up. I never give up."

She paused. "What's it like living with them?"

"Good. I don't regret it." I pulled a loose strand of hair behind my ear. "What about you? Are you used to life with a hubby yet?"

She snorted. "He's revolting. I had no idea until I moved in. The man picks his nose."


"They all do it... And I had no idea."

I shook my head doubtfully. "Harry hasn't picked his nose in front of me. Mind you, I've stopped Darcy from it once."

She began laughing as we rounded a fountain. It died away and I was left with the soft rustle of the leaves, a bird's distant call. I could hardly hear it over the silent, deafening sound of my own thoughts.

"Does Harry still have that stupid sleep routine?"

"No," I mumbled. I didn't think so at least. "It has been eight years."

"I know, it was just something stupid. Never mind."

"What was his sleep routine?"

She inhaled deeply before saying, "He had to make sure he had two pillows and was lying on a specific side and this and that. He was really finicky about it. It pissed me off when he slept over, would piss me off now."

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