Chapter Thirty Six

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The willow tree above me rustled in the breeze. It whistled lowly as if growing bored swaying with the rhythm of the wind. Grey clouds thickened the dry air and set a heavy anchor in my gut.

"Miss Hazel! Miss Hazel!" Martha appeared from behind the bench I was relaxed on. Her face was filled with excitement. "Miss Hazel, the first guests have arrived."

I smiled at her in amusement and raised to my feet. "Thank you. I'll be there in a moment."

Darcy was running across the garden with a little boy and Sammy alongside her. The child with curly hair... Liam was his name.

"Hazel!" she yelled out when she saw me. The determined girl sprinted up to me with her hands swinging fast on either side of her like rudders. "Hazel, have you seen the goblins!"

"Yes, Darcy. I have," I exclaimed. "They were at the back of the garden behind the bushes."

She gasped and Liam looked over at her in bewilderment. "We have to find them," he panted. She nodded quickly and grabbed his hand to pull him off again. The two kids galloped away with an excited Labrador following on their tail.

She had recently lost a tooth, her second one to fall out. I was surprised by the extravaganza Harry fed it. He made us pancakes in bed before I could even wake up as our 'celebratory feast'. When I did awaken, it was to the licking of a wet tongue across my face. He had even let Sammy into the bed. Finding little Darcy tying the ends of my hair into knots was also a bit of a shock.

I turned when entering the kitchen to see Harry leaning back against the counter, his eyes falling on me. Along with him were the two parents I had seen on the tour of the school, and Anna. I didn't remember Harry saying he would invite her. Her smile faded at my appearance.

"You were at the school, weren't you?" The father of Liam grinned down at me when I joined their circle.

"Yes. The tour for the school." I glanced to his wife. "Hazel. Nice to see you again."

"You as well. Rob and Clarice," he introduced. I nodded with a smile and they both returned it. Liam had inhibited his good looks from his mother, I would assume. With her tanned skin, brown eyes and curly brunette hair, they were very similar. Rob's essence was only in the smile of Liam.

I snapped out of thought and looked over to Anna who was talking with Harry. "Hello, Anna."

She broke away her stare. "Hi," she murmured, "I thought I would invite some kids over from the school so Darcy could make some new friends."

"Wonderful. That'll be nice for Liam too. He and Darcy seem to have hit it off." I grinned as I leant against the counter beside Harry.

"He's mentioned her a few times," Clarice said with a chuckle. She was a short woman beside her far taller husband. "Darcy this and Darcy that. We might be family-in-law one day." Harry's arms were folded across his chest and he was staring down into them, but on hearing the statement they widened.

"No, no... Don't say that in front of a protective father," I warned humorously. They both chuckled and Harry nudged my side with a slight smile replacing his frown.

"A conversation for another time," Rob muttered with a chuckle.

"Or never," Harry added under his breath.

I tried to prevent an awkward moment I could feel coming. "Who else is coming to the party?"

"Todd is coming by," Anna said.

Harry looked over at her. "I didn't invite him."

"No. I did. He wanted to see you again." A bit brazen. I could sense Harry's annoyance. He hated being oppressed or decisions to be made for him, I would know. Clarice and Rob both gave Harry an odd look when he turned his head away to the large wall clock.

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