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Penelope POV

My phone vibrated in my pants. I pulled it out seeing I got a message from James (dylan dad)
James: we are leaving the hospital so you can go in. I told the security already so you shouldn't have a problem.

Me: thanks. I owe you big time
James: no problem honey you've been there for dylan since day one you deserve each other have fun and remember to be careful.
Me: yes sir ;). Ttyl
James : k

I laughed to myself as I headed towards dylan jeep. Like foreal what guy texts k that's so gay. I get in the jeep and plugs up my auxiliary cord and start booming my man Sam hunt. I was so into the song dancing and driving I pulled up to a red light still singing.
"Hey girl you Killin dat song ova there." Some guy said
I look to see a Ford truck lifted and it was all black full of white boys with no shirt on. I gave them a cheesy smile. "Well of coarse that's my man." I laughed pulling off as the light turned green.
I decided to take the steps instead of the elevator just to get a little exercise in. Once I got in his room I kissed his forehead then his nose. He made a little groan and I was happy my baby was reacting to me. I squeezed his hand and felt him try to squeeze back a little.
"Dylan baby please wake up for me. I need you. Baby I lo.....
Just then the door busted open and in walks Miranda. "I thought I told you not to come back in here. You black monkey"
"Listen I love this boy and if It means sneaking in here after you leave then so be it. I will do it"
In walks james. "Miranda leave that young lady alone. "
"No my son wouldn't want someone of her color here"
"Ughh I've had it up to here" He put his hand up over his head "I shouldn't have ever gotten back with you. What the hell I was thinking? I don't know. But you know what I never loved you I'm in love with the black women that I plan on marrying soon. As soon as my son wakes up I'm gonna explain everything to him. No more of you blackmailing me"
Miranda slapped him hard. He grabbed her arms and pushed her against the wall.
"Don't you ever put your hands on me" He said placing his lips in a thin line.
"Penelope, princess what's going on? " it was a mere whisper but I still heard it. My heart stop and when I looked at him he was looking up at me with worry laced through his eyes. I gave him a small smile before the tears came. I fell down on the side of his bed and started crying. My baby was up and I was so happy I couldn't do anything but cry.
"Mom. Dad. Why is she crying? "
"Well son you've been in a coma for two months, 3 days and 17 hours."
"Penelope sweetie get up so I can look at you" Dylan said.

Dylan pov

"I'm in love with the black women I plan on marrying soon. As soon as my son wakes up I'm gonna explain everything to him. No more of you blackmailing me. My father said. Before she slapped him. I saw my dad do something I thought he never would. He put his hands on my mother and pushed her in to the wall.
"Don't you ever put your hands on me"
I looked over and saw my baby in the corner with her back turned towards me .
"Penelope, princess what's going on?" I croaked out. My throat was very dry and I needed some water quick.
Her head snapped up and she turned back to me and gave me a small smile then her eyes became watery. Next thing I knew she was on the floor beside this stupid hospital bed crying. When she fell my parents finally looked back and realized me. I tried sitting up a little bit but my body was sore all over. Pain was everywhere. Plus the bright light was adding to my headache.
"Mom dad why is she crying?" I asked confused.
"Well son you've been in a coma for 2 months 3 days and 17 hours" My dad spoke. I was confused why the hell would I be in a coma then I Remember what happened on yesterday.
The guy that shot me. I held penelope hand
"Get up penelope please" I say
She gets up and look at me.
"Well are just gonna stare at me or are you gonna give me a hug?"
She gently hugs me and rolls her eyes.
"You Don't Have To Be here I'm Pretty Sure You Haven't Been Here The Whole Time I Wouldn't Be Surprised If Today Is your first day. "
She opened her mouth to say something but quickly shut it. Then I remembered "nelope, why are you here? Shouldn't you be touring the world with that guy"
"He's not important you are"

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