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Penelope POV

Well since I'm gonna be meeting Dylan's parents I decided to go and start getting ready at terry house. Even tho she wasn't home she told me the spare key was above the door frame.
Ohh boy you should've seen me trying to reach that freaking key. I had to drag the flower pot over to the door and stand on top of it carefully but it kept moving from side to side. I was so caught up in trying to get that damn key. That I didn't realize someone was standing behind me.
" hhhmmhhh you must be penelope"
I jumped so hard I fell off the pot. Thankfully I didn't land on the ground. The guy had caught me around my waist and helped steady me.
"Geeezzzuuusssss you scared me half to damn death man that crap ain't funny"
I grabbed my shoe.
"Sorry little miss"
"Anyways who are you"
"Oh I'm Terry's dad. I was gonna give you hand with getting that key but you got scarred" he unlocked the door and started walking in laughing loud as hell.
"Hey that's not funny sir" I walked in behind him.
"Ohh you should've saw your face though it looked liked this" he started making some ugly face and I couldn't help but laugh.
"You're crazy" I laughed
"I get that a lot" He said to my back as I started walking down the hall to Terry's room. Once I got in I layed all my clothes that I had in my bag on her bed and she said that I could use her shower. So I did. When I got out I grabbed some of her coca butter and put it on. After I did that I put on my underclothes and went to do my hair. When I finished I put on my dress and put on some bright red lipstick. Walking down the hall.
"James? James?" I yelled (james is terry father name )
He came around the corner with a stack of papers and a pair of reading glasses on.
" I just wanted to know how do I look"
" you look beautiful and the little fella you're about to go meet is very special.
"Awww thanks"
"Now listen Penelope I know I'm not you're dad but you're a friend of my daughter so I just want to tell you. Be careful tonight don't do something stupid even if he says he loves. "
"Umm thanks I appreciate that, now I have to go finish putting on my shoes and jewelry before he gets here." As soon. As I said that I gotta text from Dylan saying he was outside. So I ran upstairs and put on my boots and rings and necklace and ran back downstairs running out the door I yelled "I'm gone dad"
I heard him laugh "all right have a nice night and be home before nine sharp" I laughed and closed the door.

enticing (bwwm)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ