just me and you

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Penelope pov

"Girl your hair is on point thanks to me" Terry said
"Guhh where did you learn to do black girls hair at?" I giggled
"Aye just cause I'm white don't mean I don't know how to do hair"
"Are gonna do my make up to?"
" Yeah but I'm not sure on how to do your eyebrows"
"Kay I can do my own eyebrows and get them on fleek"
Fifteen minutes later I was finished getting ready standing in my mirror.
"Hey umm nelope I have to go get my auntie from the airport. See you later" she kissed my cheek as I waked her to the door.
"Have fun and remember we don't kiss on the first date" I laughed cause I've done already kissed dylan a few times. Only in my head tho lol .
I walked back upstairs and put in my ear rings and spraying a little perfume on. I grabbed my clutch and phone with my audi keys. Walked out the door started my car to let it warm up. Call me weird but I've learned to start my car up a few minutes before I leave. I walked over to dylan house and knocked on the door. He opened it. Grabbing my hand making me spin around once. I smiled
"Damn you look so freaking beautiful. But you need to go put on some of those black tights with that short dress. I don't want all them guys starring at your sexy legs in them heels."
"There gonna look regardless. But I don't care bc I only want you."
Dylan pov
I've waited to hear those words from out of her beautiful mouth. Walking closer to her I wrapped my arms around penelope waist and kissed her plump lips. She responded immediately giving me dominance over the kissed. I slowly walked her backward till her back hit the door and slid my hand under her short dress and cupped her round ass. Surprised to find out she's wearing a thong. She moaned in my mouth and I broke away for breath. I leaned my forehead to hers and smiled. Still holding her ass.
"If I knew your lips felt and tasted like heaven I would've been kissed you and damn your ass is soft" she started blushing. I stood up straight and grabbed my jacket opening the door for her. " shall we get this date started?"
"Indeed we should"
We were walking out of the door and I notice her walking towards her car which was audi a8.
"Nice car, where'd you get it?"
"Out of my garage" she laughed
"Okay, don't be a smart ass" I said getting inside. Usually I wouldn't let her drive but tonight is different.
We had been driving for about 20 min. We were in the fancy part of town. Everything here was expensive I know bc my parents Shop here. We were at a red light when I turned and looked at her she was smiling looking at me. I reached across and gave her a quick lingering kiss before the light turned green. She parked at a hotel.
"Just follow me"
We took the elevator to the top floor.
"Penelope we are having our date on the roof?" I asked noticing that she was heading towards that door.
"No silly, but you're about to be amazed."
I was about to say something smart. But I immediately shut my mouth when I seen a helicopter on the roof with her initials on it.
"Omg this is your plane" I had a smile on my face bigger then a mile.
She grabbed my hand and led me on. She hoped in the pilot seat closed the door and handed me a pair of headphones like the one she had on. She put on a pair of shades and handed me a pair too. She made sure I was scrapped in right and I couldn't help but giggle at how serious she was at this moment.
"So how may times have you flew this?"
"This is my first time" she said all serious.
"Thanks But No Thanks I Don't Wanna Die tonight"
"I was only kidding I fly all the time."
She said somethings on the radio. I wasn't paying it too much attention. We started taking off in the sky. I was scared at first but then I cooled down.
"Where are we headed?"
It's was a 20 minute flight but I thank God I didn't die.
After we got off the helicopter. I grabbed her hand. It felt so right in mines. As she led the way. Before we entered the building she turned and looked at me.
"whatever you do. When we walk in just don't scream. They will think you're crazy"
"WHY would I scream?"
" ohhh let's just say. You're finna be so happy"
She walked in the building turning holding out her hand for me to grasp it when I did she started walking faster. As soon as we entered the resturant my mouth dropped open.
I couldn't believe my eyes.
"Close your mouth sweetheart" she said.
"Ahhh mrs. Penelope your booth is awaiting. May I take your coat sir" the gentleman said to me. I quickly took it off and handed it to him. We followed him to the table.
"Can I start you two off with some wine"
"Yes Ken that'll be nice bring the usual plzzz"
"You're not old enough to drink."
"No worry" she replied looking at me.
"I need to go to the bathroom, which way is it?"
She pointed and I left. I went to the bathroom and did my do. After washing my hands I looked in the mirror. Never in a million years would I have thought I'd be eating at the same resturant as Beyonce and Rhianna. I walked out and was greeted by Arianna.
"Hey what a cute white boy like you doing with a black girl like penelope"
I shrugged her hand off my shoulder and walked around her not having time to put up with her. I don't know her but I can already tell I don't like her. Walking back to the table I see that dude skate or nate which ever one he goes by. Talking to penelope. I slowly walked up making sure neither one of them knew of my presence. To listen to there conversation
"So why are you here all alone?"
" I'm actually here on a date, with a guy that I really like. You should leave before he come back because I know for a fact that he doesn't really like you"
"Baby I'm skate who don't like me?"
I felt that the right time to make my presence known.
"I dont" I said making them jump and look at me.
"Well damn you don't know me I'm actually a pretty cool dude. "
He said walking off. After that our date went amazingly well. I was introduced to alot of famous people as her boyfriend. We were walking out of the resturant when she grabbed my hand. I smiled and looked down at her. She blushed and smiled really hard showing her dimples that I barely get a chance to see. I pushed her against the closest building wall and passionately kissed her red lips. I heard a few people awwing us as they walked past. I pulled away for air and leaned my forehead on hers. She bit her bottom lip looking up at me.
"You're an amazing kisser"
"I try to be" I winked and pulled her closers to my side walking inside a jewelry store. She went looking around which gave me the perfect opportunity to buy her that beautiful Pandora bracelet that she wanted. I slipped it in my pocket and went in search of her.
"Let's get you home beautiful " I whispered in her ear from behind watching the hairs in the back of her neck stand up

enticing (bwwm)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें