our first date. (part 1)

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Penelope POV
I should've stopped him when we were on the floor. I made a promise to never get involved sexually with a guy until we were married .

He pulled me closer to him and kissed my forehead.

"Penny for your thoughts? Nelope?"

"I was thinking about us" I lied

"I'm sorry, shouldn't have did what I did. Something just came over me"

"Its ok, trust me"

"Are you sure?"

"Yasssssss I'm positive" I started laughing "anyways I don't wanna go out with terry and that guy. I just wanna spend some alone time with you...... and get to know you better" I whisper the last part.

"Okay, well let's go get dressed. Let's go somewhere nice for our first date. Do you like Italian food."

"Hell yeah, I do I love Italians period. Matter of fact my last boyfriend was actually Italian ." I say proudly

We both get up at the same time. And he leads us from down out of his secret dungeon.

"I'll meet you at your door in exactly one hour" he says


" notice that I didn't say an hour and thirty minutes. I playful punched his arm " boy shut up you know, it don't take me no damn hour and thirty minutes to get ready"

" ha we will see" he winked as I walked past him he smacked my booty

"Heyyyyyyyy" I yelled

"What" hes playing innocent

"What'd you do that for?"

"Well your Kik name is smack my bootay right.?"

I laughed like fuck And kept walking .

After about thirty minutes of curling my hair. I'm finally finished but only had fifteen minutes to pick out my outfit. I wanna look cute today, for our first date. So i decided to put on my shinny champagne colored dress the back two strings at the top that i could tye and it had an opening under the bow that showed my tattoo and my favorite pairs of heels. The ones that I wore on my first concert. I love them because Beyonce gave them to me for good luck.

Yes, I did just say Beyonce. Me and her are cool. Hell I even kept blue a few times. I put in a pair of diamond earrings that gave me that extra shine. I then put on a little lipliner and my baby doll pink lipstick. Grabbed my phone and left. As I walking to the door .I saw I saw a shaodowy figure standing on my pourch. I couldn't help but smiling. I already knew it was Dylan. As I came out the door I hears him say

" well if you were another minute late, you could've proven to me that it does take you more than an hour to get teady." He burst out laughing then he finally turned and looked at me. " dammmmmmnnnnn nelope, you look stunning this evening. And your hair is down and out gorgeous."

"Awww thanks, you don't look so bad yourself" taking a step back I slowly examine his attire. He's wearing a yellow button down polo shirt and a pair of Hollister jeans. Ya know the ones with the rips and that's folds around the ankle and pair of cute brown shoes.

He clears his throat and I realized I've been starring for to long.

"Well do you like what you see?"

"Maybe" I laughed a little"Anyways can you um the um strings in the back?"

"Sure, I will." I turned around so he could the me up.

"My damn girl, I didn't know you had a damn tattoo."

"Yeah,do you like it?"

"Hell yeah I love it, and its big. Does it covers your whole back?"


"Hmmm is like to send it one day!"

"Maybe one day you can" I say smiling and turning back to face him

He grabbed my hand and we started to walk to his cars. When he suddenly stopped and looked at me, with two keys in his hand.

"Should we drive the jeep or like you say 'my big boy truck?' He smirked

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