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Dylan POV

I was walking past Penelope house when I saw to shadows in her room window.  I don't know why but it just seemed strange to me. As I walked closer I noticed her window was open. So I climbed through using the big tree close to it. Everything was dark but I heard her crying and then I seen a figure walk from out of the bathroom.
"Please don't " she cried a little louder.
"I said don't make a fucking sound. If you wake up your parents your gonna die and they are too."
I grabbed the figure and threw him on the ground punching his face in. " stop please you're gonna kill him. He's not worth it" Penelope cried.
She pulled me off of him and went downstairs to wake her parents and wait for the police. I noticed she didnt have on any clothes so I went downstairs and gave her my shirt. She was crying but when she saw me she ran and gave me a hug. Ten minutes later the police came and went to go and get him but to our disbelief he was gone.
"Baby would you like to go and stay over at a friend house for the rest of the week. Just in case he comes back here looking for you?"
"She can stay with me " I said.
"Okay, go upstairs and pack you a week worth of clothes babe"
Penelope POV
So here I am sitting in Dylan room on his bed while he's in the shower. Recapping everything that just happened. My face was still sore. I rubbed my cheek as I looked through his mirror on the back of his door. A big bluish purplish bruise was on my face and a scratch above my eye. I paying too much attention to my face I didn't know Dylan was out the bathroom until he said, " don't worry you're still pretty"
" look you don't have to be nice to me just because of what happened. You made it clear that you hated me now! For what? I don't know. Just let me see your phone and I'll call terry to come and get me. I will not stay here tonight and watch you be fake to my face.understand? " by the time I was finished I was pissed. The only thing he did was smiled and grabbed a shirt out of his draw and went back into the bathroom.  I stood by the door waiting for him to come out but he never did and I grew tired so I went and layed on his bed waiting for him..
~~~~~ time jump~~~~~

I opened my eyes and sat up. Hmm I didn't remember falling asleep. I tried to get out of bed but something held me around my waist. I looked down and saw dylan arm draped around me so I carefully moved it and went downstairs to get a glass of milk. His house was dark as I went into the kitchen I gotta feeling someone was following so I turned around and cut on the light but no one was there. After I got my milk I went back upstairs and this time I got a feeling someone was watching me. I was creeped out. When I got back in the room I saw Dylan had plugged up my phone and that it was fully charged. I had one unread message I opened it thinking maybe it was from terry, Calvin or skate. But it wasn't it was a number I hadn't seen before.
Unknown number : haha that was only the beginning there is more of where that came from. Tell your little boyfriend to bud out. Did you really think just because you moved I wasn't gonna find you again? So long love we will be meeting again sooner then you think.

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