Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Chapter 29

The next morning I pulled on my school uniform and sighed a little, I just want this day to be over with so it can hurry up and be Saturday. Saturday meant Brett's birthday, and his beach party! I headed out of my room and into the living room where Zoey was standing and waiting for us.

"Where's Shelbs?" I asked raising a brow at her.

"Doing her hair, she said she'd be a minute," Zoey explained.

I nodded and leaned against the couch running a hand through my blonde wavy hair. Today it didn't look particularly nice but I really didn't care, the waves were all over the place but I felt I should just relax a little today.

A few minutes later Shelby came into the room nervously. I raised a brow at her. "Guys I'm talking to Sean after lunch today," she explained.

"Why?" Zoey asked narrowing her eyes at her.

"I want to know why he cheated," she said looking down at the floor.

I shook my head at her. "You're not going to take him back right?"

"I don't know," she replied hesitantly.

"Shelby you deserve better than him, don't take his sorry ass back," Zoey replied.

"I agree," I replied.

She sighed and nodded before heading towards the door. We followed her out the door and down the hallway to eat breakfast without another word.

At lunch Shelby disappeared following Sean out of the cafeteria. I glared at the back of Sean's head and when he glanced behind him we made eye contact before he quickly turned away. The sick pervert doesn't even like her, only her body!

"Who you glaring at?" Brett asked sitting down next to me with his lunch. I glanced over at him for a second before nodding at Sean and Shelby as they headed out of the cafeteria doors. "Why's she going with him?" he asked frowning.

"She wants him to explain why he cheated on her," I told him. "Does she not realize he only wants her for her body, plus she told me she's got a new little crush."

"Huh? Maybe she's still in love with him, I don't know. Usually when people are crazily in love they only see the good things in a person and believe in second chance no matter how many times they've hurt them," Brett explained before taking a bite of his sandwich.

"Oh jeez this is going to end badly," I announced.

Jamie and Zoey looked over at us. "What's gonna end badly?" Jamie asked.

"Shelby and Sean," Brett answered matter-of-factly.

"Oh yeah," Jamie agreed.

"Hey, Ally," someone said from behind me. I turned around and came face to face with Chase. I raised a brow at him; does he not know that he's not supposed to be around me?

"Umm, Chase you're not supposed to talk to you," I told him giving a confusing glance at Zoey. She shrugged as Chase said, "Yeah I don't know why they told me not to talk to you; I think they're trying to get in the way of our love or something."

"Chase–" I started but was cut off by Brett.

"F*ck off, Chase, she doesn't want to talk to you. How long will it take for that to stick in your head that she hates you and wants nothing to do with you?" Brett yelled making a few tables surrounding us turn and stare.

Chase looked offended before his eyes narrowed on Brett; if looks could kill Brett would be six feet under right now. "You better watch it, Hannigan!" Chase scoffed.

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