Chapter 2

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"Okay, enlighten me!" Amethyst demanded the instant I step in our apartment. "And why the hell you are in pj's?" Okay, she might be overreacting about everything but  she is still my bestfriend.

I slopped on the couch and closed my eyes, my hung over is still taking toll on me and talking isn't the best thing to do right now but with Amethyst, she wont stop in any moment by now without learning what happened to me last night.

"Okay, I went to a bar, got drunk, no wait its more like wasted, and then this chick started talking to me then I woke up on her house. But--" I lifted my index finger to interrupt her dirty thoughts. "Nothing happened okay." I sighed and closed my eyes hoping to ease my headache.

"I can't believe there are still girls like her roaming around." She chuckled and sat down beside me still fond of about the girl I met last night.

"Well at least you could have exchanged numbers?" There was a mischievous smile on her face and I know where this conversation is going down to.

"You are safe here you know?" She spread her arms animatedly and offered our place for hook up. Yeah, I am a closeted homo and only Amethyst know which kind of surprised me because she did not judge me or whatsoever instead, she accepted me for who I am.

"Shut up." I chuckled under my breath. Suddenly, Kirsten face popped in my mind and I cant deny the fact that I adore how gorgeous the girl was.

"Wait, why did you go to a bar without me?" Her brows furrowed, I knew she'd ask about it, I wasn't ready for an answer though so I was completely caught off guard.

I swallowed a sudden lump that formed. "Remember when I told you they are hiding something from me? Mom and Taylor?" I open my eyes and met her gaze.

"What about it?" She shifted her position and found a more comfy one.

"I found out what it was." Every detail of the confrontation circulated in my vein like poison and I struggled to retain my composure but I have to let this out of my head.

She did not retort but anticipated what I had to say so took a deep breath, "I just met my father's mistress." And the silence fell between us.I know that Amethyst doesn't comment and judge right away especially when it's this kind of sensitive issue.

"Oh my God. You should have called me you idiot!" She recovered and smack my arm.

I spent my whole day sleeping my hang over off and only managed to got off the bed late afternoon so I decided to take a shower so I can go out and grab some coffee.

"Going out?" Amethyst was going over her notes as I get ready to head out.

"Yup. Dont wait up." I saw her put down her notebook and looked at me intently.

"You are not going to a club again are you?" There was a suspicious glint in her eyes which made me laugh a bit.

"Of course not, I just recovered from hung over and I dont have any plans on waking up on stranger's bed again." Blew dry my hair and put on some concealer on the dark cicles under my eyes.

"You are one lucky bitch she didn't molested you or have sex with you against your will." Our conversation stopped when my phone started buzzing.

Incoming call...Taylor

I looked at Amethyst seeking for any consoling. "You can get clear answers girl."

I nodded and pick up.

Taylor: hello?

Allistair: yep?

Taylor: Why did you go attack them?

My Crazy Love Affair (gxg)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang