Chapter 12

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"Merry Christmas, honey!" a fake white mustache and beird was propped around his mouth and a red santa hat adorned his head. On both hands were gifts all wrapped in red and gold ribbons.

Closing my journal and sliding it into my drawer, I trotted and jumped on his open arms giggling. It's half past midnight when he came barging in my room like he always does every Christmas eve.

"And I believe these gifts are for my favorite baby girl in the whole wide world!" he announced preposterously while setting me down on my bed.

Jumping up and down upon my bed until I got tired, he tickled me until I was out of breath. It's like a tradition before opening the gifts every Christmas.

"Daddy! Can I open it now pretty pretty please with cherry on top?!" popping a pleading puppy eyes and a pout, he chuckled and tousled my already ruffled hair.

"Of course, my princess!" he sat down on my bed and watch me rip the wrapper and when the box was slightly exposed, a flash blinded my eyes. He took a candid photo like he always do whenever I open my presents.

"Wow! It's so beautiful!" it was a set of drawing pencils with a blending pen. "Thank you, Daddy!" I squealed wrapping my thin arms around his neck and gave him a sloppy kiss on the cheeks that threw him on a fit of giggles.

"How 'bout you open this?" he pointed on the medium sized box and I reached for it excitedly. Ripping it fast, my eyes grew wide as ever be, it was a white polaroid camera.

"Wow..." I was speechless while staring at the newly opened present. Then I felt a gentle nudge on my shoulder.

"Don't you like it?" I heard my father ask.

"Are you kidding?! This is crazy! I'm so loving it!" I squealed after regaining my awareness.

"So? Let's take a sample." Daddy took it from my hand and I instinctively climbed behind him and smile towards the camera. A flash snapped and I tried my very best to keep my eyes open with a face eating grin.

"I love you, princess." my dad leaned back his head on my cheeks and I closed my eyes but behind my lids were a bright flash.

"I love you too, daddy. You are my person, always."

And that was one of the best Christmas memory for a nine- year old Allistair.


The polaroid picture was idle in between of my fingers. The perfect spoiler and one time big time hit that ruined my Christmas day. The memory was well preserved but lost all it's essence.

"So, did you unplugged your lamp?" Taylor was leaning on the door frame wearing a knowing smirk.

"Don't start, Taylor." I warned trying to keep my cool. I just arrived home at exact noon.

"Ooh, somebody's on a bad mood." he teased.

"He called me." I deadpanned and from there I saw him froze.

"What?" he mumbled under his breath.

"He called me on Christmas eve. Dad." he looked over his shoulder and tensed making sure no one's here to listen.

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