Chapter 1

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I pressed my thumb against my temples making an attempt to soothe the pain that build up maybe due to the stress or maybe because of my alcohol in take. Maybe the buzz is getting into my head or maybe it's not enough alcohol yet? Wait, my plan is to drown myself with liquor and be some sort of numb.

I downed the shot that's right in front of me and signaled for the bartender to pour me some more. A heavy sigh escaped from my lips as the guy on the counter pour me another round of shot.

"You dont make me choose between the two of you coz you know whom I'll be choosing."

The recollection from a while ago kept on resonating on my brain the fact that I came here to forget things. But it kept on coming back instead of disappearing.


The gold liquid made a warm line as it flushed down my throat. Pursing my eyes to endure the burning sensation on my throat, I lift my arm to ask for more drink and honestly, I lost count on how many shot I had.

"Slow down stranger." A soft silky voice reprimanded against the loud music that plays on the background.

Looking sideways to my right, my pulse quickened discovering who the voice belonged to. My eyes got flustered on her caramel brown orbs that seemed to devour everything on its own right. It was hard not to notice those beautiful eyes because it's more accentuated by her long curly lashes and deep set under her well arched brows.

Her nose was pointed and as prominent as her jaw line that defined most of her facial features but I kept an eye on those luscious lips that quirked into a smile.

"Excuse me?" I returned with quite astonishment.

"I'm Kirsten." She held a hand in front of me with a confident consistent smile.

"Allistair." I shook her hand and instantly felt how smooth and warm it was. Oh my God Allistair, what is happening to you?

I'm not much of a talker whenever am pissed or in a good mood so that night, I just listened to what she have to say and occassionally answer whenever it's necessary.

As much as I appreciate that I gained company, I took more drinks and slowly eliminated all the inhibitions that was left in me, I am not even aware anymore on where our conversation has drifted coz my sight and memory have become blurry and am not sure if my knees can carry me more any farther.

I puffed lazily and rested my head into something soft and cushy. The music died down and it was more quiet now, no more bartender serving me more drinks no matter how I raise my hand to call out, no more soft voice making small talks, I can't even feel the cold counter anymore.

Sighing loudly, I burried myself on the soft surface and foreign smell to my nose. Giving in to the dull effort of keeping my eyes open, my consciousness slipped off and I drifted off to sleep.


I groaned with the massive pounding on my head and opening my eyes was the most wrong move I made. Closing my eyes again, I pulled a pillow and covered my head.

Wait, where am I?

Slowly opening my eyes, adjusting on the brightness of the room, I spread my sight to the unfamiliar room. I was paralyzed for a moment as I recall what happened last night and how the fuck I ended up here?

Okay, I pulled off the white duvet that covered my body, recalling what was I wearing last night, I am now wearing a pair of pyjama and white shirt.

"Relax, nothing happened." A drop dead gorgeous girl was leaning against the door, a cup on her hand and the other folded on her chest.

She was wearing a short white pyjama and tight blue shirt that seemed to shrunk into her body revealing slight part of her abdomen.

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